Flights Grounded in United States AND Canada – nothing to see?

Over the past several years I’ve grown to doubt more and more whatever government – any government – tells us. This past week an apparent computer issue ground ALL airline departures. This was the first US national grounding of flights since 9/11. Initial theories started with questioning if the outage was the result of a cyberattack to a simple computer malfunction. As thousands of travelers sat in airports waiting for the problem to be corrected – a very similar occurrence occurred in Canada.

What a coincidence.

FAA officials said a preliminary review traced the problem to a damaged database file, but added that there was no evidence of a cyberattack and the investigation continued. The same file corrupted both the primary system and its backup according to sources. I have a bit of experience dealing with cyberattacks. In my experience many of the ransomware that cyberterrorists utilize today do precisely that – infect main files as well as backups.

Canada announced that the events which occurred with their outage were not related to the happenings in the United States.


I guess it’s possible.

We’ve recently seen multiple attacks on power stations, and now this?

What’s next?



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