Fire Starting

The ability to make fire is one of the most important survival skills and preparedness tasks that preppers need to be able to do. Fire provides warmth from the cold, light in the dark, ability to cook, and can even be used for defense. I am in amazement of those who can rub sticks together and generate flame. Impressive. I even sell a small fire starting kit that has ferrocerium rods, waterproof matches, butane lighter, petroleum-infused cotton balls, etc. Redundancy is good. Multiple methods with back-ups are good.

My favorite fire-starting tool? Flint and steel with an accelerant. AKA…..the simple butane lighter.

I keep dozens of butane lighters spread around various kits and locations. I buy a 5 pack of Bic’s once in a while and cheaper versions which for the most part work extremely well.

Just imagine in a complete grid-down situation how valuable the simple butane lighter would be.

got fire?






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