From the Desk of John Rourke – November 15th, 2017


Growing up I used to think a lot about what it must have been like back in the “Cowboys and Indians” days. I’d sit along a riverbank and wonder if goods were transported down the river to market. Driving through a town I’d dream of what the area looked like before buildings were erected. I imagined a life so natural. The lack of cars, fences, electricity, grocery stores, microwaves, phones, air conditioning, heat, etc.

No TV or video games. No Internet and no awesome blogs. No Facebook. No Twitter.

No Maxine Waters or Hillary Clinton!!!!

Getting better and better.

No noise pollution. No smog. No airplanes flying through the night sky.

Of course, the average life expectancy was less than 40 years old. This means I would likely be dead already.

Maybe living in modern times isn’t so bad after all.

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  1. Brad M says:

    You mentioned Hillary Clinton, and that makes me wonder… Should Roy Moore now run as a Democrat? I mean Hillary’s Hubby has been accused of numerous, and caught red cigared once, of sexual harassment / abuse and the Dems and Libs absolutely adore this guy. I mean I am surprised that the MSM isn’t just singing this guys praises and censoring any of the Republicans who are saying he should get out of politics.

    Am I wrong?

  2. keebler says:

    at my B.O.L. im on the end of the power line & the phone line .NO long distance service. power goes out a lot. so i have plenty solar lights ,No tv service NO internet,No cell phone service 2 kerosene lanterns always ready.lots candles several propane tanks for emergency heat ( Trailer) hard to heat. I have a emergency 12 volt well pump. but last winter the water line & filter froze & broke .so no water in the house but do in pump house.125 ft away from house.I do all my cooking “Microwave” I have a induction cook top & Pan just haven’t used it, coffee pot manditory.,all my neighbors a Amish Great people.Im the only one with a vehicle.
    so living back in yesteryear is all around me while out there
    closest grocery store 20 + miles.

  3. Oren says:

    JR, I’ve often wondered about that scenario also. Every time I do, I still come up with the same answer. I’d rather live a couple of 100 years ago. Fewer people around to spoil everything. Sure, having to cut wood to stay warm is a choir. Having a garden and hunting to survive instead of a hobby. Having to fish to have them to eat. It would be hard….NOT!! No electricity bills nor utility bills of any sort. Stake out a claim on land and then defend it. Defend it from marauders and of course the tax man. His life expectancy would be pretty darned short here in the mountains. There are so many things today that degrade the quality of life. Disease imported from abroad, wars we have no business being involved in, the Clinton’s, the Obama’s, the Bush’s and a number of other globalist families. We may live a much shorter life, but who the heck wants to live to be a 100 years old and be confined to a wheel chair if you are lucky. I don’t think so. I’ll take a couple of hundred years ago any day.

  4. Lightning says:

    Rourke- I have also had similar thoughts-most especially how the land looked untouched and scarred by civilization. Pristine !!I cherish every moment being in the solitude of our farm fields and woods.
    Life was hard then and life is hard now but in very different ways. The choices we make re: our health care determine whether we live and die and with what quality of life. For ex: at age 86 my Dad found out he had kidney cancer and failure. He chose to NOT have chemo or dialysis. He died 3 weeks later but he wasnt hooked up to tubes and artificial
    means of keeping him alive.He chose hospice and he died in our arms-with love and peace.Some wish to be kept alive for as long as possible. Not me or my Dad or my husband. It takes courage to say no to modern medical technology but it brings quality of life while one is alive.

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