From the Desk of John Rourke – June 1st, 2017


CNN fires Kathy Griffin. Excellent.

What is amazing to me is the number of people suggesting that what she did was just fine. Hey – she’s just expressing her 1st amendment rights – right? Of course, she can say whatever she wishes however it goes both ways. The outrage over her action is a positive indication that such treatment of a President – ANY President – is unacceptable. Give it time folks as the decline in morality will continue. I’m not trying to be negative I am being truthful. That what you pay me for, right?

A fairly popular author of preparedness websites and magazines posted on Facebook his thoughts on the Kathy Griffin situation suggesting that it was really not that big of a deal. He said there are bigger things to worry about. Well, I have to disagree. While there are big problems to think about this vile action providing so many with a graphic depiction of what is in many people’s hearts is serious.

Those old enough to remember – consider the weeks after 9/11.

My how things have changed.

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Some say the glass is half full while others suggest the glass is half empty. I say it’s the wrong size glass.

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freedom, liberty, recoil, America, USA

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Been working on leveling an area in the backyard for an above ground pool. Had one for a few years but the ground really needed to be leveled. Built a frame and now filling it with sand. Fun!

3,000 gallons of extra water year round is a good thing to have.

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Hope everyone’s week is going well.

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