Thoughts on Emergency Funds: In modern society today there is a large percentile of the population that live paycheck to paycheck. I’ve been there and to put it simply it sucks.
It doesn’t take an EMP or economic collapse to have a personal SHTF. Job loss, health issues, and legal troubles can result in personal SHTF conditions with all of the stress and emotional swings that a typical SHTF may confront you with.
Having a decent emergency fund will help absorb unexpected and unfortunate events. Can’t afford to put back money to build an emergency fund? How often are non-needed items purchased where that money could really be put to the side?
I’ll admit I am as guilty as the next person in not prioritizing correctly at times.
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The RINO’s in Congress are so easy to spot now.
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Watched the movie – “Life” with Ryan Renolds and Jake Glendnhall.
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We’ve discussed the violent tendencies of Antifa and the level of “threat” they and other more radical members of the Left provide. I found myself in the minority as I predict a higher level than most others. That’s OK. What I am seeing is a dedicated effort by some who run in the Antifa circles to truly take training seriously. Of course, their numbers are tiny compared to the many efficient fighters on the right.
Understand I promote no violence and wish for even less. I just have a vision for what the future holds.
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Weekend is almost here. Bring it!!
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Do a budget. live well beneath your means off all credit.. and while doing that invest in financial instruments that will match your investment .. (not the market).. and put a small amount out of cking auto every week into an account you never look at .. Know what your load limits are on your 401K or retirement are and have the paperwork prepared … and ready to execute… have negotiable items and or metals even in small amounts..
If you have to it’s worth a second job to overcome the credit hump.. or invest in preps.
my short .02
Goinggray58- Wow great advice. I am unfamiliar with investments-what do you mean re: financial instruments? Thanks.Lightning
Lightning.. A Financial instrument is any legal instructions to do something with you money .. key is it has the access to do it. It could be as simple as auto pay to a coin dealer … or transfer o 20 a week to a separate savings account to do preps when you get the amount next amount for the next thing on your list. Another loftier instrument .. might be a bearer bond .. It’s a pieces of paper that guarantees payment of the amount stated to anyone bearing the certificate. Not really practical here maybe .. It’s essentially a way to cart around millions of dollars in a briefcase … ot a way to store a lot of value in a small place. It means nothing in a financial collapse. But in the event it was a US thing .. it’s immediately transferable to off-shore.. no questions asked. It could also be an instruction to your retirement or 401k to move your investment from high risk investments to treasury bonds at a 500 point on day drop .. basically anything you can think of. I can’t say it appeals to many .. I don’t have a huge portfolio. But things like having all the docs ready to take a loan against retirement might be the difference in you getting money out of a bank in a day or two for immediate use where other people have to take the extra time and might not be allowed to. I can take a max to 50K, and if I pay it back I pay it back to myself including interest if things straighten up. Very low risk, except you can only do it once every 5 years in our plan. Apparently people did stupid things like going to vegas. IF you wanted you could have that money immediately sent to pay off the house, or off-shore, or to a gold seller .. whatever. I don’t know if that helps .. it’s just a legal set of instructions that allows institutions to follow them and only as you direct. Not legal advice mind you.. If you have ideas .. you ask your accountant about what it does to taxes and use a lawyer or similar if it is anything more than bill pay or simple stuff.. Keep in mind advice is not freely given often .. and they don’t think about SHTF.. to them it will never happen.. so temper any words with caution and what YOU want since it is YOUR risk.. not mine or theirs.
That help ?
I was hoping that was a video link. I get a laugh every time I watch these radical leftist training videos. Moe, Larry, and Curley!!!!
Rourke -I have never heard of the movie LIFE-I will check it out.Lightning