From the Desk of John Rourke – August 15th, 2017


So – “white nationalist” is now the preferred term of the MSM over “white supremacist”. Don’t be fooled folks. This is just another way of the media to invoke a belief that Trump supporters – or anyone who takes pride in their country and would call themselves a Patriot – are bad and racists.

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A Group cookout planned this weekend. Looking forward to it. A lot has been going on and there is a lot to talk about. Great group of guys – and gals!

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There is a report indicating that North Korea has received some of its rocket technology and equipment from the Ukraine. Let that sink in for a minute. The country we have supported AGAINST Russia has provided the nut job in North Korea with assistance.

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I’m thinking of ordering one of these CAMTOA EDC Pouches. Seems like a decent size especially with the cooler weather coming(or eventually coming).

EDC, kit, pouch, EDC kit,

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Here is a cool video sent in by GG58……

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  1. goingray58 says:

    If you control the definition of the language you control the narrative.
    Ukraine made some bad choices, however Obama left the hanging and no support. The don’t not have hard currency and no way to get it. Yeah doing anything for Kim is crazy. We can’t go in a tear stuff up and then leave and keep those allies though can we ? Another reason to finish what you start. So Ukraine and ISIS.. Who else did BHO give us ?

    Enjoy your get together.

  2. Capt.Michaels says:

    – Awesome looking EDC pouch. I’m in for one.

    – Read the same “reports” about Ukraine. Remember, the main stream media, including Fox now. You have to take everything with a grain of salt. My first thought was..hoo-hum, sigh. Hopefully, this is not true, It would not brew good. Also, which part of Ukraine? Remember there are two parts of it now. Here is an HBO special created by Vice, (ultra liberal channel/website) This episode appears to actually be neutral and not their typical liberal bias. I guess, because HBO was involved they were forced to keep it only on facts. meh

    – Thanks GoingGray58. That was a pretty cool and interesting video.

  3. joyce says:

    This non-tech grandma needs to figure out how to get YouTube to play on our TV…. DH would enjoy seeing it then, on my kindle, not so much. Thanks guys…big smile!

    Got that big smile phrase from you Lightning….by the way, have wondered if you ever were able to get your goats Lightning. With all the past year has brought, it seems unlikely but one never knows. Was viewing a program about raising goats then making cheese from the milk and my thoughts turned your way again.

    Watching the maneuvering of MSM lately has been painfully frustrating. Knowing the discussion here will be truthfully informational on current events draws one back without hesitation, thanks all!

    ….stop to rest but don’t quit…

  4. Lightning says:

    joyce-I like that=stop to rest but dont quit. Mh sister and I were filling a dumpster today- and it was hot and humid so we did rest … and it helped !!!
    No goats yet- you were on target -maybe next spring . Our adult daughter wants a few sheep which is fine-our son raised a small lock in his 4-H days.The chickens are growing fast and well though.They should start laying in late Sept. If they can survive the winter that will be wonderful.I will need to use a heat lamp I imagine when it gets frigid .
    Thanks for thinking of me- .If you want to correspond more often Rourke has my e mail.

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