Just announced and covered over at The Epoch Times – the Department of Justice has ruled that mandating COVID vaccines is perfectly legal. While this is NOT a legal verdict it’s not good news for those who value freedom.
Here is an excerpt from the article:
I sincerely hope a case is brought before the Supreme Court. Although I would like to think individual freedom would win the day I’m not so sure.
We have significant challenges ahead. For years people have wondered how the S would HTF and what it would look like. I’ll explore that more later but just take a look around – it’s happening right now and it’s nothing that we ever thought.
I’d prefer Red Dawn myself.
Mike Tyson said it best:
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”
Draw your own conclusions.
Dept. Of Injustice,I call it as it is rife with masons not alugned to our Constitution,laws,decency, or govt.They are loyal to themselves.Bill Cooper video detailing mason/s.nist rules.He died a mysterious death.Not legal as they go against Basic human rights of body sovereignty,we are Not slaves.covd jabs are provable frauds and deathjabs and in no real way can be proven to fit the accepted Medical definition of a vaccine.Webster Dictionary recently changing the definition does not mean anything.Webster was a mason.
Whatever happened to “My Body, My Choice”?? I’m really beyond tired of the double standards and continuing hypocrisy.
Just my 2 1/2 cents worth.
Looks like the mark of the beast is upon us. Voters need to lean hard on their representatives now. Arlene
Upcoming winter –
PLEASE prepare now as all the signs of nature are pointing to a very early and hard winter. Arlene