Several weeks ago visited a buddy up in Maine. Over a year ago we got together and I helped him build his first AR-15. It was put together from Palmetto State Armory parts – mostly. At the time the total cost was around $500. Lower priced, budget-friendly parts were used throughout. Since then he’s added a Bushnell TRS-25 optic. The TRS-25 is one of my favorite red dots. It has proven itself extremely reliable and rugged at a fantastic price of around $100 when set up for the AR platform.
We went to the range and sighted in the TRS. Over the last year, he’s shot several hundred rounds of mixed steel and brass through the budget build. No failures of any kind. Â I was not surprised to hear this as my own experience has been the same.
He’s added several magazines to his stash and built up a decent ammo supply along the way.
This gun can be built today, although it’s going to be a little more expensive.
I’m looking forward to my new build…..the RECCE rifle. I’m collecting all the components and then I need to find the time to get it done. Once started I’ll document it here.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Almost 2 years ago I bought a Ruger AR556 MOE (8515) complete w/1 mag for under $550. It is a sold gun and good performer. It does it’s job all the time.
Of course they are just now starting to become available again, at almost twice the price.
Great gun the Ruger is.