Budget Gamma Lids

Storing foods in buckets is popular for a reason: Buckets are cheap and extremely durable. The main issue with buckets(like the Home Depot versions) is once you put a lid on it getting back into it is not the easiest thing.

Gamma Lids came out years ago and allowed easy access as they unscrewed, provided access, and then could be screwed back on keeping the contents safe and sealed.

Those looking for a budget-friendly alternative to ordering Gamma’s online check your local Home Depot in the paint department.

Gamma lids on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2L0KuWb


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  1. JP in MT says:

    If you used Gamma Lids make sure you do a complete examination of these compared to the originals, depending upon your intended us.

    Next time I am on a shopping trip, I will buy one for comparison, but going cheap and loosing food when you need it does not save you any money.


  2. CaptTurbo says:

    I would buy these for my drilled out bait buckets if they weren’t so pricy each of my live bait storage buckets has 1288 holes drilled in them for good waterflow and the lids can be a bit of a pain to remove. Cool idea but too spendy for me.

    1. JR says:

      Capt – these are so you can get easier access to the contents of the bucket over normal lids. Compared to the “name brand” version they are cheap and very useful for their intended purpse. Yeah – for what you describe probably not so much.

  3. CaptTurbo says:

    I get it JR. They would be very convenient for their intended purpose but for the home stored stuff I have a tool designed to pop the regular bucket lids open. It’s kind of like a giant bottle opener. I don’t know why I never thought to take one of those to the boat.

  4. goinggray58 says:

    OK so gamma lids are $9 – $14. IMO they do provide repetitive access over and over .. when the conventional lids that are very old come off once and break or crack and never seal right again. It is very “spendy” as Capt. said .. agreed. I think there is a middle ground though. Store long term with conventional lids. Put a gamma on when you open the conventional because you intend to continue to use it until it’s gone. You can either transfer mylar to a gamma when you open a new one or move the “gamma” buckets to prevent screwing up the seal on the part of the lid that attaches to the bucket itself.. Good middle ground. Small number of gamma’s, lower cost. Yup I think that I can justify the expense of the middle ground and just switch over Mylar or whatever I want when I want other content. You might have 5 or 10 of them and that’s all you would need.

  5. JP in MT says:


    Not sure if you guys (or anyone for that matter) have a WinCo near you but they carry the Gamma Lids. The 5/6-gal size is $8 and the 2-gal size is $6. Cheapest place I’ve found them. Definitely cheaper than Amazon and other on-line retailers I’ve checked.

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