My buddy “John Hancock” and I chat preparedness almost daily. We send audio messages back and forth and some of these discussions get pretty deep. Over the past several years I’ve done my best to educate him and correct every one of his opinions that are different than mine(meaning he’s wrong). I’d say his IQ has jumped up at least 25 points due to these talks.
I’m sure you can tell we joke around quite a bit.
One of the recent discussions centered around getting back to basics. Interestingly we both came to the realization that most people fail to truly place their priorities in the right places when it comes to preparedness. Take the old adage, “Beans, Bullets, and Band-Aids.” See that very first word ‘beans’? It’s first for a reason. Food(and H2O) is incredibly important. For those preparing for a multi-year event, how many year’s worth of food do you have right now? If the answer is in months this is what we are talking about.
Food isn’t sexy nor is it very exciting. People don’t mount food buckets on their wall or pull out their #10 cans of freeze-dried Chili Mac and mount the latest and greatest can opener on the side via a picatinny rail. No – food doesn’t get the attention it deserves.
When the fecal matter comes in contact with the rotating impellers that $1800 Ruger Precision rifle is really nice but many will be wishing they spent $400 on a Ruger American and purchased $1400 worth of……you guessed it: FOOD!!
No one knows exactly what is going to happen nor when. It certainly seems with each passing day things are getting more $%&@’d up than a soup sandwich. The good news is we have some time. Those of us(yes me included) that need to get back to the basics and get straight need to do so NOW. Later will arrive sooner than you think and it may involve a zombie chewing on your left ankle.
“Stack it to the rafters!!”
John, very true. I have been long inventory on my food supply to what needs to be rotated and restocked. I feel good about arms and ammo, even though some are WWII vintage. I am regulating my old generator to the well pump and looking at what will be my best water storage system for needs, meds are an ongoing task.
The best food storage system is having it in the ground in your back yard and growing from trees all over your property. Check.
I agree with you CaptTurbo. This year so far has been a disaster. I know for a fact that my garden is going to produce some quality beans, peas and plenty of broccoli. I know this because the deer make a major effort to get over the fence!! Good news is that I intend to this year, thin that herd and fill the freezer and can a lot of meat! Last night I mixed up a mixture to sprinkle around every where of garlic and red cayenne pepper. It will most likely just enhance the taste for the deer. Not to mention the rabbits.
Hell, sometimes the best use for a garden is when used as “bait”. I bow shot some deer that were standing in my late mother’s garden right after my father passed back in ’95. They were eating her Swiss chard. The best tasting venison are the ones that eat like those buggers did with the best of everything! Not sure about canned venison though. I prefer it fresh. The first meal is always the heart and liver. Yum!