Affordable Survival: Rice

Rice is one of the best and most affordable food storage items you can have. It’s cheap, easy to find, and can last for years if stored properly. Rice is also very versatile—you can use it in a variety of meals, from breakfast to dinner. It provides essential calories and carbohydrates that give you energy, which is crucial in a survival situation. You can buy a large bag of rice for a low cost, and it can feed your family for a long time. Just make sure to store it in a cool, dry place in an airtight container to keep it fresh. I recommend packing in mylar with an oxygen absorber for the longest storage life.

In today’s hard economic times, rice is also a food that is very budget-friendly. Take a look at the graphic below. Rice is truly a solution for any budget.

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One of my favorite meals is beef stew poured over rice. Very affordable, tasty, and packed with nutrients.


Prepper's Guide to Building a Survival & Preparedness Arsenal | Instant Digital Download | Printable | Survival | Prepare | SHTF | Get Ready

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Prepper's Guide to Building a Survival & Preparedness Arsenal | Instant Digital Download | Printable | Survival | Prepare | SHTF | Get Ready
Product Details

💥 Prepper's Guide to Building a Survival and Preparedness Arsenal 💥

🎯 A guide to building a budget-friendly and well-rounded arsenal in preparation to what's coming.
👍 Building a survival and preparedness arsenal is an essential part of any complete preparedness system.
🔥 As the world continues to become more dangerous self-defense and being able to respond to a variety of situations is critical.
💣 In the aftermath of a SHTF event, law and order will be questionable at best, leading to increased threats from desperate individuals or groups. Defensive firearms serve as a means to protect oneself, family, and property from potential harm, providing a deterrent effect and a last line of defense against hostile elements.
📙Over 70 pages or unique information that comes directly from the author who has been in the preparedness lifestyle for over 40 years.
Once purchased the guide will be available via instant download.
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Thanks again, stay safe, and take care. 🙂


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