Affordable Survival: Rice

Rice is one of the best and most affordable food storage items you can have. It’s cheap, easy to find, and can last for years if stored properly. Rice is also very versatile—you can use it in a variety of meals, from breakfast to dinner. It provides essential calories and carbohydrates that give you energy, which is crucial in a survival situation. You can buy a large bag of rice for a low cost, and it can feed your family for a long time. Just make sure to store it in a cool, dry place in an airtight container to keep it fresh. I recommend packing in mylar with an oxygen absorber for the longest storage life.

In today’s hard economic times, rice is also a food that is very budget-friendly. Take a look at the graphic below. Rice is truly a solution for any budget.

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One of my favorite meals is beef stew poured over rice. Very affordable, tasty, and packed with nutrients.


100+GB Ultimate Survival & Preparedness Digital Library | SHTF | Economic Collapse | Get Ready

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100+GB Ultimate Survival & Preparedness Digital Library | SHTF | Economic Collapse | Get Ready
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This single USB flash drive contains a mix of PDF’s, military manuals, books, magazines, video’s, movies, MP3’s, guides, articles, and more.

Look, none of us know exactly what will happen in the future. No one knows when the excrement will hit the rotating blades and what conditions will look like after. Being able to adapt is essential. Information is critical. Utilizing modern technology it’s very possible to have a virtual library of valuable information that could make a huge difference in a grid down, SHTF situation.

From gardening to communication. From first aid to security. From food storage to water filtration – this digital survival & preparedness library contains the most complete collection of its type in existence.

This information used in conjunction with an inexpensive laptop, Chromebook, Amazon Fire tablet or other multimedia devices will provide a literal encyclopedia of information that will allow for better decision making when those decisions really count.

All order shipped within 24 hours in a padded envelope via USPS with tracking.

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