Canned Pumpkin for the Win

We have the holiday season fast approaching with Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner. From a preparedness perspective, these holidays often have grocery stores offering sales and discounts on foods related to these holidays.

Many popular recipes include “pumpkin” as a main ingredient. I was recently taking a look at different canned pumpkin to put back as I’m boosting our food storage program substantially. I was pleased to find Libby’s canned pumpkin contains – you guessed it – pumpkin. Nothing but pumpkin. It’s also noted on the can that it is certified GMO-free. While I’m not a complete anti-GMO activist I avoid GMO foods when I can.

canned pumpkin, Libby's, holiday, stocking upon, food storage,

So – when you’re shopping for the big family dinner your hosting this year where all the screaming kids will be running around driving you crazy – grab a few extra cans of pumpkin and whatever else you see on sale.

Take care all –



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