From the Desk of John Rourke – – – > June 10th, 2024

A bit overdue but better late than never…….

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GOOD NEWS: The drain stuck in my side for the past two months has been finally removed. After consulting with my surgeon and weighing the pros and cons we decided to take it out. So I’m not walking around with a piece of luggage sticking out from under my left arm. Let’s hope it stays that way.

In Joe Biden’s voice ~ “Here’s the deal….” If the cyst returns and begins producing….err……’fluid’ again, a new drain will be put in. More fun times! I’ll have to start getting CT scans and of course, the medical bills will continue to climb. If it cannot be stopped my spleen will have to be removed. This presents the possibility of numerous complications including one in particular I’ve spent my entire life avoiding.

‘nuf said.

I remain around 185 pounds and overall feel pretty good. It’s only been a few days and soon I’ll hit the gym and continue improving my diet.

For anyone who may have missed what’s occurred  – you can read about it here and I’m still thankful to anyone who can assist with the costs(no insurance).

Thank you everyone once again for the prayers, the well wishes, and donations. I really appreciate it.

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homestead, growing your own, garden, survival, homesteading, country living

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I’ll post another garden update soon. I’m so happy that the garden is coming along very well. Last year I had big plans to get the garden going and it did not do very well. A combination of a lack of time as well as starting the garden area from scratch without the tools certainly had an impact. This year was quite different as we had a plan and even with my hospitalization and being laid up for several weeks MPG kept us on track.

Down in the Southeast, I’d be in the midst of harvesting a ton of food from the first planting. Here in Maine, we are going to start picking within the next day or two for the first and ONLY planting.

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I stopped at a local gun shop this past week and grabbed a box of 9mm and .22 Magnum ammunition. I’m good with my ammunition stocks, however, I try to add a box here and there every couple of weeks.

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If you are unaware we have a survival & preparedness store here on this website. We carry a variety of unique and budget-friendly items and everything ships for free in the USA.

survival preparedness store, shtf, prepare, supplies, best deal, good deal, unique, prepper

Bringing this up in case we have some new visitors as well as mentioning to check back often as several new products will be added soon. I’ll let everyone know when they drop.

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Have a good week everyone!!





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