Asteroids could be crashing through the atmosphere and zombies moaning in the streets – many of us will still crave something sweet. Food items like these Peanut Butter/Chocolate No-Bake Cookies would serve as a great morale booster in high-stress times.
Notice something about the ingredient list? They can all be stored as part of a food storage system. This recipe is something that can be completed with supplies from most food storage programs.
So….when the SHTF it doesn’t have to be all about MRE’s and freeze-dried foods – these Peanut Butter/Chocolate No Bake Cookies would be a welcome treat.
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it’s Christmas and with all the parties we may make some up and see how they taste. I’ll start with the inlaws first. if they croak, no big deal : ) co-workers, meh. HA HA
thanks John, and you and yours have a great Christmas.
Going to try them this weekend.
Thanks for the recipe, I’ll make a test batch today. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Made a batch yesterday and substituted a 1/4 cup maple syrup and two tsp of monk fruit for 2 cups of sugar and they are great. Also added some chopped walnuts that I had on hand. This is an excellent high energy, easily made and transported survival food that can contain many different ingredients depending what is available.
i finally tried the cookie recipe. it was quick and easy. i liked them and will make some more. gonna try R/C’s recipe next, that sounds good. i am not a big sweet eater but i have a 5 gal bucket of hard candy put back for a comfort food and barter. i have seen first hand how a piece of candy will calm people down when faced with calamity, especially children.
here in the deep south, hurricane’s and tornadoes happen. it’s all a part of what we pay for living in our paradise. we deal with it like others deal with blizzards, earthquakes, liberals and wildfires.
yep,.. comfort food of some kind is a good thing to have on hand.
any real combat veteran will tell you that they always kept candy in their pockets.