I’ve got the itch to write a fictional story once again. For those who may have missed it, I authored a short book several years ago called A Survival Story. It was a decent first attempt at a book. I’ve brainstormed several ideas for a storyline and what I have below is a possibility. Nothing is written in stone and anything I write will be a planned trilogy.
Right now I have the title Invasion: Crimson Storm.
Let me know your thoughts.
Invasion: Crimson Storm
Prologue Summary:
In a world plagued by shifting alliances and political unrest, a covert coalition forms between China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, fueled by shared ambitions and a desire to undermine the global influence of the United States. Their aggressive plan? To orchestrate a massive invasion that would strike at the heart of the American homeland. Unbeknownst to the United States, the stage is set for a new chapter in the theater of war.
Chapter 1: The Invasion
The Build-Up
Dark clouds loomed over the horizon, casting an eerie shadow upon the unsuspecting shores of the United States. Unknown to its oblivious citizens, a storm was brewing—the epitome of aggression and malice. From behind the scenes, an alliance of unprecedented scale was forming, determined to shatter the American dream and bring the nation to its knees.
China and Russia, long-time rivals vying for global dominance, had set aside their differences, uniting under a shared goal—to dismantle the United States of America. With the assistance of North Korea, Iran, and others they meticulously plotted their invasion, exploiting weaknesses and striking when the nation was least prepared.
This plan was not limited to traditional warfare alone. Deep within American soil, dormant cells lay in wait, hidden in plain sight, blending seamlessly into the fabric of society. Their purpose: to sabotage key targets and generate chaos from within. The invaders knew that the heart of any nation lay in its infrastructure, and they aimed to strike at its core.
The Initial Day of the Attack
As dawn broke on the west coast, a hush settled over the land, betraying the imminent danger lurking beneath the surface. The invaders had chosen their targets with surgical precision, aiming to cripple the United States from the very beginning. The first blows were struck simultaneously, like a satanic duo singing a song of destruction and demise.
Electrical substations, scattered along the western coast of California, became the primary focus. The invaders knew that severing the lifelines of power would leave the region vulnerable, thrusting it into nightmarish darkness. Saboteurs, armed with advanced knowledge and sophisticated weaponry, infiltrated these crucial hubs, overwhelming the security measures with ruthless efficiency. Security guards with hours of training were no match for the attacker’s aggression and overwhelming firepower.
Explosions ripped through the air, their booming echoes felt through the concrete and steel structures that contained the source of power and all it brought to the region. Arcs of energy sparked and danced, illuminating the darkened skies. The invaders had orchestrated a plan of darkness, plunging northern California into complete darkness.
In a meticulously timed sequence of events, the invaders struck elsewhere too. Bridges strategically targeted to hinder the response of the military crumbled into the depths below, their supports weakening as the invaders sought to isolate the west coast. They knew that without quick mobilization, the United States would struggle to counter their advance.
Chaos spread like wildfire. As the sun climbed higher, the realization of the onslaught settled upon the citizens of the affected regions. Panic set in, generated by the realization that all the familiar comforts of modern life were abruptly torn away. Without electricity, society began falling over the edge and most saw no light at the end of the tunnel. Panic and violence spread much faster than anyone anticipated.
But the invaders’ grasp extended far beyond the west coast. As the sun cast its glow upon the eastern seaboard, another wave of devastation erupted. Sleeper cells, embedded within the nation’s borders, revealed their true nature. Skyscrapers in New York City, once symbols of American power and prosperity, were transformed into towering infernos, billowing smoke and ash into the sky.
Financial centers crumbled under the weight of explosives, as the invaders sought to destabilize the economic backbone of the nation. Wall Street, the heart of global finance and monetary health, collapsed under the direct attack and panic of the American investor, reeling from the shockwaves of destruction. Precious metals skyrocketed in value as many predicted the complete collapse of the US dollar. The invaders understood that striking fear into the heart of America required more than mere physical aggression—it demanded the shattering of its collective mindset.
As the first chapter of this nightmarish invasion unfolded, the United States found itself teetering on the precipice of annihilation. The invaders had delivered a decisive blow, leaving the nation paralyzed and vulnerable. The days ahead held untold challenges, but amidst the darkness, emerged a glimmer of resilience and determination. For within the American spirit which had been decimated by a weak Socialist agenda from a secret powerful entity lay an indomitable will, a resolve to fight back against overwhelming odds. Patriots stood up and said, “We will not go down without a fight!”
Across the country, individuals began to come together, driven by a shared sense of duty and the realization that their survival depended on their unity. Ordinary citizens became unlikely heroes, stepping forward to provide aid and support to those affected by the devastation. Communities rallied, their bonds growing stronger amidst the chaos. Leaders emerged from the crowds and provided hope. They provided something to focus on other than despair. Suddenly previous differences seemed insignificant and a bond of Patriotism and unity became overwhelmingly powerful.
The military, though hampered by the loss of key infrastructure, regrouped swiftly, adapting to the new reality thrust upon them. They forged makeshift communication networks, relying on age-old methods and human ingenuity to coordinate their efforts. The men and women in uniform, driven by a deep-rooted sense of duty, prepared to face the invaders head-on, determined to defend their homeland at all costs.
It was a pivotal moment in history, a turning point where the United States stood at the crossroads of triumph or defeat. The invaders had underestimated the resilience of the American people, their unwavering spirit that refused to yield. While a segment of the population had grown weak and entitled, there was another that retained the patriotism and respect for the freedom that the Constitution provided and they would not just sit by and watch invaders take what God provided. In the face of unimaginable adversity, the nation would rise, united and determined, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.
Little did the invaders know that their actions had unleashed a dormant strength—a fierce patriotism that spread throughout most of the populace. The invasion had awakened a sleeping giant, and though the path to victory seemed treacherous and uncertain, the United States would fight, fueled by an unyielding determination to reclaim what was theirs.
And so, as the sun set weeks after the initial invasion, a newfound resolve ignited within the hearts of the American people. The invaders had struck a blow, but they had also awakened a spirit that would not be easily quelled. The battle for the United States had begun, and the invaders would soon come to understand the true meaning of resilience, unity, and the unbreakable spirit of a nation. The challenge was great. Those Patriots spread throughout the American land would stand up and fight.
Will America reclaim its greatness and set forth a future as the Founders established?
Time will tell.

The beginning of a damn good read!
New scenario based on existing events and forecasts. Ideas for a heroine?
Where will we charge our electric vehicles? Will we be able to barter electricity for those who own solar panels? Where will Mexico and Canada side with us? Do we really need california? All shipments from china come to the West Coast anyway.
Love it and look forward to the release .
While it’s plausible, the military would have seen an organized attack coming from miles away because of our bases in Guam, Hawaii and all over the Pacific Ocean. Satellites would still be working in a passive surveillance function to give early warning of a flotilla or even aircraft coming from that region. A more realistic setting would be that Mexico joined that alliance with China and allowed China (I seriously think Russia can’t do anything after getting pretty much a stalemate in Ukraine these days? A 3 day operation is now into year one. Russia is a write off to be able to do anything these days except try to hold their own.) and other south of the border countries who have been infiltrating the nation for years start doing sabotage onto the US infrastructure to create chaos. To “me” that’s more realistic in nature since our southern border is open and Mexico is NOT a friend of the US these days. They still want the Southwest and Texas back in a Reconquista fashion. I see Canada going neutral in this too, just to save their own skin. Just my worthless thoughts.
Agree jh that the huge risk is the open border allowing enemies from all over thee world to walk in. I disagree however that our military can be relied on to see anything coming beyond more woke BS. China has transited the US with how many surveillance balloons now?
Yes, please!
Sounds like it will be a good read
The “great tragedy” would be to allow this farce of a civilized society to continue to devour intelligent, compassionate and decent people and replace them with nothing but affirmative action idiots and various other miscreants. Once you’ve tried to use civility, facts and reason to debate these anti-White knuckle-draggers face-to-face, you will then fully understand how nothing short of brute force combined with unwavering resolve is the only thing that will keep them from destroying you and your family.
You can’t reason with unreasonable people. You can’t expect selfless compassion and sensible behaviors from people who have never shown themselves to have any kind of moral compass that wasn’t tied to their own self-serving interests. They will gladly kill you and not feel one ounce of regret or remorse. In fact, they’ll probably brag about it.
Sympathy and compassion are wasted emotions and character traits if not given proper context. Civility is a useless and counterproductive principle if it is methodically used to keep you passive and docile while the hordes slowly take you down, piece by piece. One day we are all going to have to play our little part and be that animal or savage that we thought we would never have to be. If you can’t be that animal, then you better be willing to throw your unconditional support behind those that can.
When the Time is right, it will all make sense and come together rather quickly.
Sounds like a great read and the parts about the average citizen rising up in a wave of patriotism is in my opinion pure fantasy. The vast majority can’t quit rising the fork to their mouth and are in no physical shape nor mental fitness to take on a determined force. Obesity, laziness, dependency on the internet and an expectation of the government to fix all of their problems has eroded the overwhelming majority of Americans ability to think, act and survive on their own
The open borders have allowed thousands of foreign operatives to walk right in and there is no telling how many guns, ammunition, explosives and food supplies that have been stored for years all across the country in neighborhood self-storage units along with the old refrigerator and boxes labeled “baby clothes”. No one opens them as long as the rent is paid and a U-Haul truck or trailer pulling in at midnight raises no concern whatsoever. Hiding in plain sight just waiting for the signal.
Yeah? Well some of us are pretty well equipped too and ready to meet the challenge.