Note: This is a very deep article on preparedness and a warrior mindset. It’s worth the time to read – and maybe even re-read to grasp what the author is presenting. This post was originally published several years ago within my previous endeavor – and then deleted off the internet. I’m bringing it back here for your review. Take care all ~ Rourke
By Jabarr Franklin
Now we all know that when SHTF (in just a matter of time), we will be forced into harsh conditions where survival will not only be based on food, water, clothing, and supplies, but also a stern stance on self-defense and the ability to preserve ourselves. We will need to defend ourselves from thieves, robbers, gangs, police, scarcity, fear, doubt, and a long list of other dangers. As men, we must make sure the elders, women, and children are protected and safe in our hands. We will also be able to aid and protect those who cannot help themselves. We want to assure our family and community that they can trust us in the midst of catastrophe so they can feel secure in this harsh new reality in which we realize that there are no rules in survival!
To instill this assurance within us, we must first incorporate the skills and preparation to defend ourselves. But in order to prepare appropriately for an almost inevitable reality of physical confrontations due to drastically apathetic desperate minds who were accustomed to receiving benefits from a now-defunct establishment, you will need to cultivate the warrior mindset. It will quickly become a warzone of chaos, confusion, and spontaneous outbursts of anger and frustration and you will need a stern root of being during the storm of the turmoil. That will take a sense of “warriorship”. This primal instinct and warrior spirit lie dormant within us all, we just have to give it attention and get it back moving.
Cultivating this warrior spirit will take a shift of perspective, a change in attitude, and the use of critical thought. You must increase mental, environmental, and physiological awareness. You must master your mind and emotions. It will take intuitively feeling out who is genuine and who is flawed. We must be able to honestly face the inevitable and cooperate with it. One of those inevitable truths is that we may have to kill another human being in order to survive because remember…… there are no rules in survival! As a warrior, it is required that harsh possibilities like these are in our conscious recognition constantly as well as keeping a balance of good morale. How does one do that? Well, I’m going to share some ideas, insights, and exercises that I’ve used to help me come to grips with the inevitable and be at peace with it! Because only when we are at peace within ourselves can we deal with the most challenging circumstances in a clear, diligent, and harmonic manner. Here is what you can do to become more settled in your warrior spirit to better deal with catastrophes as well as any other difficult physically demanding situations in your current life.
The Warrior’s Most Powerful Tool: The Mind
The most intricate tool that the Creator bestowed upon Man is the ability to think. The human species has the greatest potential (good and bad) of all sentient beings on this beautiful marble we call Earth because we, unlike any other species, have the ability to contemplate. We can shift through thoughts, choose one, and create our whole world with that one idea! We have the ability to consciously dictate how reality will affect us by the meaning we put behind it with thought. The issue has been that for eons of years, Man has mistaken the thoughts in his head as the identification of who he is. Man has lost control of this tool and it now takes a life of its own due to the fact that he doesn’t understand that a mind is only a tool and not a reality. The physical mind was only designed by nature to navigate through reality creatively and sufficiently by using this tool effectively. As warriors, we have to consciously reclaim our power from the untamed mind and have it serve us positively rather than being enslaved by all of its false commands to keep it secure in its false position. This false position is the origin of all habits! We have to change our perspective of the mind by seeing it as a tool only. Then, and only then, can we train with this tool on a daily basis. Here are some pointers and exercises:
- Expanding your mental awareness through engaging in “Thought Inventory” (meditation): There is no goal in this activity. Just sit in a silent space and be aware of the thoughts coming across your mind. DO NOT TRY TO STOP THEM. The first step to healing is understanding just how sick you are! Just simply observe how rampant you mind has been and you will understand how it pulls you into different directions in your daily life. Simply be aware of the thoughts as well as your five senses. Notice that they are all co-existing at the same moment. This will expand your conscious field, increasing your peripheral awareness and keen responses to situations. Your widened field of consciousness will open up an intuitive space to know what you need to know when you need to know it. With consistent practice, you will start to see everything in a clearer light. You start to download powerful insights and start seeing through the true underpinnings of circumstances and situations. This practice takes diligence and self-discipline. You will feel that you may need some sleep when you start doing this because there will be a shift of energy. It will be a major challenge in the beginning because forceful thoughts will start to come to the surface to deter you. BUT DON’T GIVE UP! Start off doing this daily in three segments of 3-5 minutes; morning, noon, and night. You will start to fall in love with this practice and begin spending more time with it, marinating in your energy field and expanding your conscious presence. Don’t start talking about it to others, let it speak for itself. They will feel that “It” factor relentlessly pouring out of you.
- Mastering your emotional intelligence by “Feeling and transcending all past emotional issues”: I know you are maybe wondering ”what do emotions have to do with the mind?” But they have everything to do with the mind! Lets take a look at this. Let say for example you want to learn to play the piano but you are afraid to start practicing. Now, the indication that you are afraid to start indicates that you are experiencing the emotion that we call fear. Now, why might one be afraid? Maybe because we may have a limiting belief about failure. May you think failure means that you aren’t, or will never be, good enough. But if you change the way you think about what you define failure to be, your thoughts about “failing” will transform from fear into joy. Maybe “failing” helps you learn what doesn’t work for you on those keys and learn what does work for you. You will get a better grasp of understanding what technique works for you. So failing now means that you are learning something new, getting better and better as you go along. So now you understand that you can never “not be good enough” because it is an ever-evolving process. From this perspective, failing can never be fearful! You actually look forward to it and become excited about learning how to play the piano. You just transformed an emotion because of your thoughts about it. And this goes for any area in your life. As warriors, we have to be courageous and willing to face the most horrifying fear known to man in the same way; death. Facing this fear and calling this deep demanding energy unto the surface by using our imagination helps us come to terms with dealing with all of our fears because fear of death is the core to all fearful belief systems we hold. It sounds crazy I know, but as human beings, we should ponder about and come to grips with death every so often. It forces us to see that change is the only constant and that nothing lasts forever. It forces us to live in the moment and cherish what is truly important to us in this lifetime. It puts you in the pit of your whole existence and forces you to see the harsh truths about yourself and the world around you. You can no longer be able to ignore what’s real and this is actually what will help us approach life with the intense conviction and determination to do what it takes to protect what we hold most precious. Now, you won’t be able to see yourself not going out with a fight, which ironically intimidates most adversaries! Transcending the fear of death means you stand in the conviction of life…..survival! Now we must be willing to look at our every emotional sensation in this dynamic because in order to operate from warrior consciousness we must be composed. Emotional stability plays a part in that. So whatever it takes to get emotionally stable; venting, writing a journal, punching a pillow, etc; we must go through that process so that we can have our emotions work for us not against us. This will open up our intuitive capability at the level of sensory perceptions because emotions will no longer drown them. Our emotions will become lighter and more operational. Anger is a powerful motivation device if we use it wisely, one that the warrior can exert in a strategic, calculated, and composed manner. Dangerous!
- Preparing the body to withstand demanding conditions by “Opening up to the Body Consciousness”: Yes the body is also the mind…..the subconscious mind. All of our programmed habitual bodily actions are motivated by our subconscious thoughts. They are ingrained learned behavior that we soak in from society, parents, education, and entertainment, all across the board. This learned behavior resides in our cell memory. This cell memory is the reason why the body reacts in a certain unconscious manner when we feel certain negative emotions. It is why we tend to eat when we are bored. It is why we can tell what mood someone is in by their posture or the way they walk. It speaks to their state of mind. We can deliberately move our bodies in a way where we program a certain state of being within ourselves. We can use posture exercises to open up our chest plate and take in more oxygen. As warriors, We have to understand this machine that we call our body. It is vitalized by infinite intelligence, wired by the highest to function at its highest state possible and keep its harmonic balance automatically. It heals its own wounds. It moves the bowels automatically. The heart beats on its own. As warriors, we must inner stand our body and its natural functions vs. habitual body-mind, both of which are subconscious. We must bring the subconscious into conscious recognition in order to start understanding the differences between the two. It’s simple…start being present with your every action and you will gradually start to notice that your body has innate intuitive messages within itself. It will let you know what and when to eat. It will let you know when you need to exercise. It will let you know when you need to sleep. It will let you know when you need to act. The body is a wonderful guidance system. It is always communicating with you to let you know where you gauge in your harmony with the universal mind. Now that you have an intent to cultivate that warrior energy, you will know what you have to do with your body to start training it to operate physically as a warrior. And that’s what we will discuss next.
The Warrior’s Most Powerful Machine: The Body
Now let’s talk about this complex piece of God’s creative work. As warriors, we must KNOW that this is God’s machine designed to be used for God’s divine purpose. To fully embody this warrior spirit fully, we must perceive our body as God’s vehicle and also treat it as such. We need to allow it to work for us as efficiently as possible. When we start appreciating its function, its function will appreciate. As I mentioned before, the body is a wonderful guidance system that we can also use to our benefit within our specified intent. But first, we must understand our body (body consciousness), take care of it, train it, and prepare to get it accustomed to conditions that we will have to face (cell memory).
- Clearing the pathways of infinite intelligence in the body by being serious about nutrition:
I’m not gonna go too much into specifics here because many sources claim that particular food choices are better for the body than others. But these sources cannot tell YOU what is good for YOUR body. You are your own best doctor. Like I mentioned before, your has a guidance system of its own that helps you gauge which foods belong and which ones are a “no-no”. This issue with this is that the guidance system may be numb or shut off due to it being drowned by over-consumption, preservative ingredients, or toxins roaming freely in our atmosphere. We need these pathways to be cleared in order to free up room to let the guidance system flow through. There are many ways to do this. The best way is fasting. Water fasting, or juice fasting, allows our bodies to rest fully and eliminate toxins from the system, bringing all of our systems back to balance and working in their proper function. Before training the body, the body must be fully available so that it can be trained. These old cell memories must be flushed out. Using cleanses for particular organs could be of great advantage. If you feel that you cannot jump into that fast lane, try a raw organic food diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables are grown from the great green Earth carry the messages from the cosmos that communicate with our cells in the body. They align the cells in accordance to the universal mind’s intent at the time the fruit’s conception. Yes, God communicates with us through food! This is an overlooked fact. These messages carry out information that can ultimately lead us to the right direction through channels that we call inspiration. Drinking plenty of water allows these insights to flow effortlessly. Insights are basically electrical currents. And water conducts electricity. Water consumption must be much greater than food. We must also eat light in order to keep the body from too exhausting to much of its energy through digestion. We need as much energy reserve as possible when measures get drastic. It also benefits to eat less. Eating minimal to reserve food supply will be a great survival tactic. This will work to your advantage in all levels of life. Now, we have the energy to prepare our bodies to fight, move swiftly, and withstand trying external situations.
- Preparing the body for external conditions by exposure:
This idea should not be taken overboard! What I am speaking of when talking about preparing the body is more like how athletes prepare for their seasons. They train in the same conditions, sometimes greater than the conditions they face in gametime. It’s more like simulation. When I played on my high school football team we would take a trip to Cuthbert, Georgia for summer training camp when the high temp was no less than 105 degrees. Not to mention we had 3 practices a day! It had us well equipped for the football season. The same goes for the warrior. The warrior must be strong enough to withstand the most turbulent of conditions. Check out the first scene of the film 300 where a young barely clothed Leonidas slayed a beast in the snow in grand composure. It may be hard to believe, but you too have the ability to do such things. Start to expose yourself in small simple steps. Fasting is a good method. Right at the point when you are hungry, make yourself wait three minutes before you eat. You can stand outside in the cold for 2 minutes without a sweater or jacket. My point is to step out of your comfort zone. Cause when SHTF, nothing will be comfortable about it! Also, another very important piece to cultivating warrior spirit is to exercise the attitude of a warrior. Watch movies like I AM Legend, World War Z, Taken, or 300 and notice how the main characters retained focus in the most crucial of moments. Notice their body language and state of being. Practice that state in your everyday life when you are faced with a challenge. Be willing to retain your emotional equilibrium in the face of uncertainty so that your mind can find a clear solution and your body can act accordingly. There will be many unpleasant surprises. It will be a game won only in the moment.
The Warrior’s Playground: The Environment
We belong to the Earth; The Earth belongs to us. We are so far removed from nature as a species that man fears nature. This disconnection has us fail to realize that nature provides us with a means of survival. Camping should be a required course for all young children. When SHTF and when some people get ran out of their homes, natural duck off and hideouts can be a safe hideout. I am not going over what supplies we must have before the SHTF because I am speaking on strictly cultivating the warrior’s spirit, but knowing what you need and polishing outdoor skills beforehand will be of great advantage to you. If you don’t have the means to get those supplies it’s okay. Put that intent out there and opportunities will attract themselves to you. Watch Youtube videos on skills for doomsday scenarios and practice the skills that you can now. You lack nothing. You have what you need in your fingertips. Allow yourself to recognize abundance. As warriors, this is an important principle to live by. You are totally 100% abundant. The air is always available for you to breathe, the Earth rotates on its own, you happen to come across this article. We are all by abundant orchestration and we must realize that our environment speaks to us in that language. Study your environment now. Imagine it being in a doomsday scenario. How can you use it to your benefit? Will you have to leave? Be mindful of this now so that when the time comes you know how and when to MOVE! Because survival, although no rules, is a game of timing and inches. But most importantly, get connected with nature because it connects us back to our essence and soothes us back into our NATURAL balance. Balance in every level of our being is what will enable us to cultivate the warrior spirit thoroughly.
Conclusion: It’s All About Perspective
Most discussions about survival are very limited to the focus of the physical paradigm. But as we know, the way that SEE our effects the way we move in it. We must understand that life happens THROUGH us not TO us. Having this understanding will affect how you think about and approach your preparation and survival skills. Understanding that you have the unlimited resources to empower yourself lets you know that you are the deciding factor of where you will stand in the natural selection process. You are the center piece of your universe (YOUniverse). Your world manifests through you and revolves around you. You are the light, the solar pulse where everything in your life gets magnetic life force from by what you put your attention to. So choosing survival by any means necessary is your choice and once you choose it, you will see the evidence and the consequence of that choice by the opportunities that the universe will bring to you. Then and only then can you open up your capacity to do what you need to do to survive when SHTF. Now that’s warrior spirit!

One of the most important things he said was “there are no rules in survival”. That is a big change in how we (most of us) think today but it would be very important when SHTF.