From the Desk of John Rourke……….

Anyone else think that this “SHTF” we have been planning on for the past couple of decades actually started a few years ago? Anyone else just flat out frustrated it isn’t what we thought it would be – well, at least not yet?

There are so many things going wrong right now not only in this country but all around the world. I truly try to look at things objectively using facts and logic with a little common sense thrown in. I’m trying to see a path towards the recovery of freedom and general positive welfare for all of us. I’m trying to see a path where the United States can become financially responsible. I’m trying to see a way that the people in this country can come together and have common beliefs aligned with what this country was founded with. I’m seeing only a few extremely remote possibilities of that happening. I’d be laughed off the ‘net if I listed them.

If – and that is a very big IF – I’m right then what do we each do about it?

For me and MPG we live life and work to be as happy as possible. Next, we set goals and daily make decisions that lead us towards reaching those goals. We prepare accordingly.

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Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly is one of my all-time favorite foods. Add a side of Fritos and we are talking about near perfection.

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Talking with a few people some suggested that this inflation may be temporary. I seriously doubt it. The only way I see this reversing is if we enter a depression and we have deflation. Maybe…just maybe. I work as a Plant Manager for a manufacturing company. With that, I have huge exposure to the world of supply chains from varying industries as well as countries. Lead times have grown on many items from days to literally months. Suppliers are struggling to obtain certain ingredients and components needed to manufacture their products. Prices are rising multiple times per year. Everyone seems to be having labor shortages.

It’s real and with many issues involving food production, I have concerns about the empty shelves issue at the grocery store getting worse.

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I’m throwing this out there once again because it’s just such a fantastic deal. I have put away a TON of these AR mags and am so close to ordering more. At $4.99 and low flat-rate shipping, there’s not likely going to be a better opportunity to stock up than this. The AK magazines are a heck of a deal as well.

Follow this link if interested.

SHK magazines, AR, AK, steel, reliable, review, test, best price, deal

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With the threat of cyberattacks, the importance of having a cash-based emergency fund is even more important. Having $1,000 sitting in the bank isn’t going to be good if you can’t access it. A “cash stash” easily accessible is best.

How much would you recommend? To me, I’m thinking to try to have a few thousand if you can afford it.

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Have a great weekend all!!



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