This past week has been very stressful and frustrating. This happens to me every so often when I try to comprehend the state of this country and the actions of some people. I fully realize that it is an effort in futility but nevertheless try to I do. To get back my sanity I have to tune out the news and spend time out in God’s creation.
A few things that are simply blowing my mind:
- Actor James Woods recently stated……
“The world is fighting Islamic terrorism, starvation, and disease, but Democrats are fighting for men to pee in the ladies’ room. Insanity.”
Mr. Woods is correct. It is insane with the severity of issues at hand that the Federal government is not only filing a lawsuit against the State of North Carolina but also withholding Federal money in an effort to pressure NC into compliance.
All this because some sexual pervert in Charlotte managed to get a city ordinance passed to force businesses to allow men and women to use the bathroom of their choice. I can’t believe I just typed that.
For the record – transgenders are not normal and should not be treated as such. Period. Why should my rights be affected because a tiny minority of the population decides to play multiple-choice with their sexual organs and gender identity? What do you tell a little girl who goes into a Planet Fitness women’s locker room and sees “franks and beans”?  Transgenders have been using the bathroom of their choice for years now with no issue. There was no need for a bathroom equality law to begin with and was put into place to justify the existence of certain politicians and special interest groups. The laws created the problem allowing sexual perverts to gain legal access to the bathroom of their choice.
Priorities. They are absent in government.
- There is a movement for the Federal government to raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour –
My brother recently mentioned he thinks the minimum wage should be raised. His reasoning is that today’s economy is not what it used to be. Good paying manufacturing jobs are a rarity and more and more people are in fact living  – yes living – on minimum wage jobs or close. While I agree wages are stagnant and opportunities have slimmed the Federal government really should have no say so whatsoever on what wage people earn.
Consider the effect on businesses across the United States if suddenly everyone had to be paid $15/hr. First of all it would not only be those making $7.25/hr that would get a raise. What about those companies that start their manufacturing employees out at $14.33? Now in order to remain competitive and attract the nest workers they may need to start their new employees out at around $18.00 per hour. This will have a domino effect on costs of products which will be passed on to the consumer. Of course companies will search for every opportunity to keep costs down including getting rid of headcount. Thus – unemployment will increase.
The free market and the States themselves should decide on what wage someone should earn – not the Federal government.
- Illegal immigration is ILLEGAL!
Comes to America and holds the flag of the country they ran away from and demands that the new country they ran to turns into the country that they ran away from…..and nobody sees a problem here?
Ok – some of us see the problem.
This isn’t illegal immigration. It is an invasion.
- The country is divided.
Democrats versus Republicans. Â Black versus White. Conservatists versus Socialists. Republicans versus Republicans. Democrats versus Democrats. Illegal immigrants versus Constitutionalists. States versus Federal Government. Transgenders versus Men. Transgenders versus women. Homosexuals versus Christians. Atheists versus Christians. Government versus Christians. Â Muslims versus Christians. Muslims versus Atheists. Muslims versus Jews. Muslims versus…..well…..everybody.
Everyone has an opinion and feels the need to FORCE it down everyone else’s throat. Hey – I don’t mind a debate or hearing someone else’s thoughts on a subject but in today’s world people freak out when you don’t agree. I have been called every name in the book and heard all kinds of things mentioned about my……genitalia….just because I Â disagree with someone on a topic. My wife has been called names and and I have been told that I should put a bullet in my own head. There is a certain vile tone to people today that goes beyond disagreeing.
It is called hate.
- Age of the entitlement.
Growing up I looked at America as a land of opportunity…..for those that went out and earned it. I looked at America as a land full of AMERICANS who were capable of extraordinary feats of courage and incredible ingenuity. America was a shining beacon of freedom to the world. Now? It is crumbling under the weight of entitlement.
There is a growing populace that believe that they are owed an existence which they have not earned. This growing mindset whereby people believe that just their sheer existence entitles them to money, food, medical care, shelter – and even cell phones.
- An admitted socialist is receiving millions of votes for President of the United States.
The support Bernie Sanders is receiving is incredibly discouraging. Someone who represents quite the opposite of those principles which this country was founded is being supported by a huge portion of the population. I think back to the generations that fought against communism, socialism, and oppression and here we are with Bernie Sanders.
Just another piece of the puzzle to the crumbling of America.
- The Mainstream Media is totally lacking any investigative reporting.
 The amount of corruption and anti-American activity that has been going on in government has been unreported and covered up by most of the mainstream networks. They fail to report information responsibly so that their viewers  hear the truth. One example of this is when a politician stands up and says that they have cut the deficit by $200 billion dollars – but the reality is they simply reduced the amount they are going to increase the budget the next year by $200 billion. Most people listening think that they actually are spending less money.
- Over 300,000Â children are killed every year via abortion but America freaks out when a lion in Africa is killed.
The perspective of society as a whole is seriously misdirected. The Liberal left will protest against capital punishment but then support abortion. Liberals are Pro-Homosexual and Pro-Muslim at the same time.  Yet Islam often has a death sentence for homosexual activity. Liberals will often go out of their way to support religion as long as it’s not Christianity. Liberals say they are Pro-Education yet they do not support school choice. Hmmmm……..
Liberals say they are for equality and against racism yet they continue to divide the population into segments. Race should be blind. Affirmative action is inherently racist. Continuing to point out and support programs for certain races does nothing but divide.
- America continues to run away from God.
Do the research – America’s founding was deeply rooted in Christianity. Even many of the oldest colleges across the country have inscriptions carved into walls and buildings all over the campus about God. Decades of anti-religious indoctrination has his Christianity’s presence in the origin of this country.
Christianity has provided a moral foundation for millions for hundreds of years. Today? It still occurs but to a much lesser extent. The decaying morality of its population is being led by a decreasing relevance of God.
This is but a minor sample. Nearly $20 trillion in Federal debt. Millions on food stamps. A growing segment of the population who is anti-law enforcement and pro-thug. Flag burning is becoming more acceptable.
Gee……I don’t feel any better.
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I like you am totally frustrated, heartbroken, confused and just astounded we have fallen so far, so fast! Guess we shouldn’t be. Sin has been present since the garden and will continue until His return. God doesn’t need America – America needs God. Short of revival, we will continue to slide the slippery slope of sin. All we can do is influence those around us, prepare for the worst and pray for forgiveness and revival. We are in His Hands. Keep Looking UP
See you on the other side…
Thanks JBernDrApt. Agree with you. The sphere of influence is only so large. I also fear we are coming to time where trying to influence others may become dangerous.
Excellent post, JR. I share in your frustration, and I think there is some comfort in knowing there are others out there as frustrated as we are. I also believe that the numbers of frustrated people is continuing to grow, albeit slowly. Is it enough to turn a lot of this around? I don’t know. The hypocrisies you listed above should be plastered everywhere. Thank you for all that you do. I am really enjoying the new website even though I don’t comment often. You are a daily stop for me and I look forward to each article you post. Keep up the good fight!
Thanks Barney. Appreciate the compliments. It is good to know the efforts are appreciated.
It’s kind of ironic, in a way, and absolutely asinine, that WE, the backbone of America, are actually supporting those who demand entitlement. Demand that our honest earnings, our blood, sweat and tears, be used to support the very things we do not want. In essence, WE are as much responsible for the condition of this once great nation. Wonder what would happen if WE all stopped paying taxes (other than me and many others being out of a job)…where would that leave the entitled? Our forefathers understood this and acted accordingly, when will WE?
I am not racist (a friend is a friend, regardless of outward appearance), not anti- any religion (except those that wish to do me and mine harm), not anti-gay/transgender (many I call friends – I may not agree with some of their decisions or beliefs, but like me, they are good, hard-working people who just want to be happy in life). Who am I to judge anyone that bears me no harm and works towards the betterment of our society? Christians sometimes forget that we are not here to judge or condemn, there’s only one being that can perform that role.
I am, however, an American and I think ALL Americans need to be reminded what and who they are, from time to time.
Appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
I reach those moments to. Sometimes I have to take a break from all the news. The complete INSANITY of people here in the U.S. is unreal. Basically, it’s come to the point where conservative, family values, and proud to be American are becoming smaller. Notice, I didn’t even say God fearing. Nothing against that either.
People in general are just becoming self-absorbed and are giving into their desire to have what they want no matter what. Now, that does have to do with a nation turning away from God imo, but overall it came from the psycho’s who elected bummer to propogate what he has done to this nation. I was furious when he said he was going to Hiroshima, Japan recently. Look that up and the significance. Bummer is an evil, evil, EVIL bastard that will get his come uppins one day. (Taking a deep breath)
Though becoming smaller and unable to convince people to rise up a large scale. Believe it or not…there have been similar times in American history. However, I’m not giving up! I refuse to do it. I’m not saying I don’t get discouraged sometimes, but I DO refuse to give up. Venezuela, Argentina, Germany, France, and now Brazil have made major shifts to conservatism. Brazil, just impeached their liberal lying *beep* president. Places that have been socialist countries for Decades and sucking the lying tit of dependency have risen up and taken action. Even France..shocker! The younger generations are rising up and choosing Conservatism. That’s right..the youth. I thought, “according to what we’ve been told” that when you’ve been raised in that environment you follow suit. Welp, clearly not in France. The trick is how much suffering they had to go through before they rose up. Now Britain, who just elected a Muslim mayor…omg. I guess it’s time for them to suffer. The real question for us…is how much will we have to suffer before the people rise up?
Therefore, since you cannot convince them. You are going to have to let them hit it head on. Which doesn’t mean you have to suffer as they are going to. It’s sad and it’s discouraged, but apparently just like our kids. Your going to have to stop trying to protect them from everything and let them make some mistakes on their own.
Thanks Capt. Michaels.
“The real question for us…is how much will we have to suffer before the people rise up?”
Good question.
Quite a bit apparently. Have a look at the Mexican situation and those new Texans. They wouldn’t fight for their own country, why should they fight for the US?
Speaking of not having to suffer with them. Check this out. Director Mike Norris, Chuck Norris’s son. Released tomorrow.
Looks like a great movie. Didn’t even know it was coming out…
I just found out about this movie. Looks decent. I may go and see it Friday night. There is one theater in my area that is showing it. Thanks for sharing.
Did anyone see the movie? Is it worth the price of admission?
I’m no socialist, but I think that poster might be an unfair depiction of Sanders’ position. I’m thinking he wants the money from Trump and his ilk: corporate robber barons who scam the system and pay little tax money. Trump openly brags about “using the system legally” during his many bankruptcies and kept getting richer and richer. How many small businesses and suppliers got pennies on the dollar from Trump’s entities when they “failed”?
Sanders has been consistent in his scorn for Wall St; neither the Bush nor the Obama administrations have reined in Wall St and big banks. Clinton is cozy with them…sad.
I hate bums and thugs, too. I believe we should help those who can’t, not those who won’t. Has our gov’t gone too far in aiding those who don’t need it? Hell yes! What is the solution to all this??
Steve J – Sanders certainly is targeting Wall Street however his massive programs and tax increases provide me the perspective that the meme is pretty accurate. Going after Wall Street will accomplish little. When a company is making less profit in order to stay in business they will either reduce expenses(often headcount) and/or raise prices.
Sanders solution for the government to spend more money is not the answer.
Love your statement about helping those that can’t – not those that won’t. Right on the money.
According to Merriam Webster ..
Socialism –
Full Definition of socialism
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2: a a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
So mister Sanders want’s control of ALL business and the removal of private ownership rights. We think of that as property only.. Not so.. It now extends into the rights of a fetus (unborn child), your personal medical decisions, as well as how and where you work or are educated. In that context the government would have the right to keep everything you work for and give you what it thinks you should have. When your tax burden exceeds 50% they are effectively doing that now, only you can beg for it by creatively filing taxes, In the Socialist version there would be no such request. That sir IMO and others, makes you an inmate, and you are not free at all to do anything, including speak you mind or defend yourself. You are chattel, belonging to the federal government. Many then would see little change. I doubt what they get from us will make it that far.
I don’t mean to be offensive, however when we talk about Liberalism whether we call them progressives, socialists or not, we tend to think of it only in a myopic sense.. one topic.. usually fiscal. Better to think about the philosophy and it’s other connotations as well. A course definition of a socialist/collectivist is someone that wants what you have and thinks that taking it from you under the guise of equality and charity for those less fortunate is easier thank working for it.
They can have everything I have, because at that pnt I won’t need it anymore, nore will most people I associate with.
again. IMO.
JR remember all this mess we wallow around in is easy to get depressed about .. I used to be on medication for it actually. Not anymore. I suppose it’s easy to see tipping points in the retrospective, and not so easy walking forward.. but forward we must go nonetheless..
Have heart buddy .. I just think. I only know a couplet hings.. Hes has a plan, and I don’t know what it is. There is a God and I aint him. The rest is a tiny bit of faith, and a whole butt load of work. I can do that.. I control my actions and no one else’s.
I have read more times than I can count “What did the average German Jew think? Why would anyone not fight back?” Great question. (remember retrospective.. is easy.) It started small and came from all angles, each event incrementally more than the last, like movie sequels, until what is happening is so fantastic you can’t believe it or do anything more than just watch. They became numb to events and felt powerless, or just didn’t understand the rhetoric since it was the opposite of what they saw.. This happened over generations of government abuse of power. for instance the Labor Party was for the worker, when it was the opposite. The younger generations never knew it was another way, they just accepted it.
Sound familiar?
IMO resistance is not a tipping point and some great happening with a big bang .. or crescendo It;s in little ways .. today.. in the micro not in the macro or distant future. I think PR has a great idea. It might have been accidental, but I doubt it.. he’s a pretty brainy guy with lots of experience. If we opt out of every piece of the system we can, along the way to self sufficiency, we remove support from us in the system. A collapse is inevitable in I expect. You still will have a vote, for the good it is. At the very least you can be misidentified or forgotten altogether… no longer the low hanging fruit… to much work to get to..
I suppose the other way is to get into public office and make enough noise to be heard. Chris Kyle did.. no wait.. Kennedy did.. nope.. umm Who did that, that lived or was not eventually absorbed into the maw of the beast to be co-opted? Well Trump HAS been pretty noisy. I guess we’ll see. But you get what I am saying..
Resist in all the ways you can now. Pay Caesar his, as well as God.. and let’s work hard.. and talk to each other.. educate the next generation.. and look for sheep dogs
what do you think ?
After seeing one of the death camps, I made a small study of how it all came about. You are right about the small incremental changes, but more insidious was the easing up after each additional restriction. The effect of that easing was to convince Jewry that things were going to get better when in fact they were going to be just awful.
I’ve since met and known a lot of Jews. The men amongst them to a person all say, never again. Most of them in this country at least own firearms whereas before the war they likely would not. Practicing Jews do not wear leather and are against hunting for sport.
Thanks goingray58.
Your description of the Jews become complacent and used to the ever trending evil that grew – I was just talking about the similar to my wife and kids yesterday. I was describing how many things today that I may find offensive and not good for America is also widely accepted by the younger generations. Why? Because they have been conditioned to accept today that which was not yesterday. It does happen gradually – usually. SOmetimes it is forced and people don’t think it affects them so they do and say nothing.
I don’t get so much depressed as I get frustrated and stressed. Just need to take a break every so often. When those breaks come around funny that I will have members of my group ask me what I think of “X” – and I have to tell them I have not heard anything about it as they look at me shocked.
I hear you. Breaking contact is the best defense from being overwhelmed. I do that ocassionally.. Just cut comma and get in the weeds and do something. I personally have to be careful,because it feels better there. And I want to osolate.
I didn’t make the effect of the easing of restrictions clear. By thinking things were finally going to improve, it kept many Jewish families from immigrating elsewhere. All it took was a slight letting up on restrictions to produce the attitudinal change. After all, those Jews were all good Germans and many were decorated WWI soldiers. The Jews that remained in Germany couldn’t believe that their country was going to actually kill them. After all the signs above most of the death camp entrances read, Work will set you free.
I cannot believe much of what is happening in this country. We accept things that would have my father’s generation storming Congress with their rifles. There are a lot of reasons we can list for this strange acceptance of ungood change but most starts at home and ends with the so called department of education. We coddle our children and even have helicopter moms. I’m glad my parents never had to watch everything I did – they let me be a boy. Apathy is certainly a root cause, plain old stupidity caused by revisionist history is another. When I was young every public meeting began with a prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. None of that happens much anymore.
The other day, I took the preacher’s teenage boy for a ride down the river. I had occasion to ask him about the Revolutionary War. I learned it was fought by Lincoln. The lad was uncertain what country we were fighting back then. He didn’t know what the Executive branch of government was or what they did and couldn’t name all three branches of government. He will be in the eighth grade next year. What’s worse, I think he smarter than most of his peers.
Now he did know all about MLK’s fight for freedom and how the white man was responsible for keeping the blacks impoverished.
Still wonder what is wrong with the country?
Strange how all those robber barons create jobs out of thin air and all the while paying ‘their fair share.’ The combination of federal, state, and local taxes often exceeds half of their income. I know because I bailed out of the system when my aggregate taxation rate exceeded half of my income. I create no jobs for anyone now.
Now, did you pay your fair share – and if so, did it approach half of your income?
Panhandle Rancher,
I don’t know your back story..I’m sorry. I just know mine: my wife and I were nurse and teacher; raised kids in expensive NJ; always worked hard; often 2 jobs for me; always paid our share; never exploited the system. Didn’t Mitt Romney–one of the super rich Sanders targets–thru creative accounting pay a self-reported 14% tax rate the year before his election campaign (2011)? Seems you were punished for being honest.
Still paying my share though retired now: my NJ real estate tax is almost 12K, but family keeps me here.
A Republican in a wheelchair entered a restaurant one afternoon and asked the waitress for a cup of coffee. The Republican looked across the restaurant and asked, “Is that Jesus sitting over there?” The waitress nodded “yes,” so the Republican requested that she give Jesus a cup of coffee, on him.
The next patron to come in was a Libertarian with a hunched back. He shuffled over to a booth, painfully sat down, and asked the waitress for a cup of hot tea. He also glanced across the restaurant and asked, “Is that Jesus over there?” The waitress nodded, so the Libertarian asked her to give Jesus a cup of hot tea, “My treat.”
The third patron to come into the restaurant was a Democrat on crutches. He hobbled over to a booth, sat down and hollered, “Hey there, honey! How’sabout gettin’ me a cold glass of Miller Light?”
He, too, looked across the restaurant and asked, “Is that God’s boy over there?” The waitress once more nodded, so the Democrat directed her to give Jesus a cold glass of beer. “On my bill,” he said.
As Jesus got up to leave, he passed by the Republican, touched him and said,”For your kindness, you are healed.” The Republican felt the strength comeback into his legs, got up, and danced a jig out the door.
Jesus also passed by the Libertarian, touched him and said, “For your kindness, you are healed.” The Libertarian felt his back straightening up,and he raised his hands, praised the Lord and did a series of back flips out the door.
Then Jesus walked towards the Democrat. The Democrat jumped up and yelled,”Don’t touch me… I’m collecting disability
Love that story PR!
Steve J,
You might infer, I’m no Bernie fan.
My CPA for decades was a retired FBI Special Agent Accountant. My instructions to him was that I always wanted to pay what I owed to the taxation entities, but not one dime more. We once employed many; now none (and some say I am taking a page from a character in that famous Ayn Rand novel).
I feel for you living back east but understand how family can limit relocation options. I’ve lived in Connecticut (working in NYC) and northern Virginia (working in DC), and was happy to escape both.
We were ranching in Texas when our fair share exceeded half of our income. One of the last years in Texas, our county property taxes alone exceeded $50,000. How many little calf lives do you think it required just to pay the property tax?
We relocated to two of the poorer states and I now claim domicile in the poorest county of one of the poorest states in the Union. There is little local government to tax my now much smaller estate and any surplus monies from leaving Texas was converted into specie that earns no interest to be taxed. I am no longer a producer of income for others nor much of a tax payer, but I still pay my portion of the so called ‘fair share.’
Okay..that was funny. I’m going to reuse that story PR. I appreciate and respect your tolerance PR. But overall, Bernie is a socialist pig. Socialism has and is failing. I can attest to this heinous *Beep* communism/socialism/call it what you want. As I’ve personally known/know a Russian who left Russia to become an American. In our conversations he explained the first thing he bought with his money. Working 2 jobs cleaning as he Earned his money and learned skills to better himself. Was a POS Hyundai that was more a clunker and should’ve been put out of it’s misery. He didn’t care he told me…why? Because it was his..and he earned it by himself.
Pointing out the rich need to pay their share is not a Bernie thing. It’s always been a platform for any party….it’s just pure political to get support. Or in other words, it’s like saying the Narco’s(cartel) in Mexico aren’t “that bad’. Even if you really need money for a house, food, or something. Once you accept money from those devils. Your done!
I’m right there with you Capt. Michaels.
Hate Rourke, perhaps, also envy, unbridled jealousy, lust, and the list goes on, all valid reasons to not get along. Citizens of this country are as infected as any Jewish tribe of old. Regardless of my irreverent (likely irrelevant too), scribblings, I actually don’t hate anyone and to the best of my knowledge, have no enemies. The wife had a nemesis for decades but even that person turned to be an ok. I never even had one of those rare and likely protected class of people and hence was always secretly jealous of the wife, envying her for having a nemesis.
What I detest, is someone willing to use their so called freedom to limit mine. We are supposed to have freedom of religion, not freedom FROM religion. I was raised to believe my rights ended where another’s began. This is no longer the case in this land. Just be an underprivileged person (I guess we used to call those folks poor, or uneducated, sometimes intolerantly, just lazy) or someone of a protected class of people such as the new IT gender, and their rights now suddenly trump mine. This is as wrong as repetitive taxation on the same property year after year (presuming that property doesn’t change hands).
I detest anyone immigrant, legal or illegal, who comes to this country, maintains their own cultural identity, refuses to speak English, is poorly educated with no intent of becoming better educated, who will not fight to change their country of birth’s poor policies, and desiring of a handout, take advantage of this country’s generosity. I don’t hate them, I pity them, feel sorry for them, and will extend charity to move them on somewhere else.
Teddy Roosevelt remarked,”We must Americanize in every way, in speech, in political ideas and principles, and in their way of looking at relations between church and state. We welcome the German and the Irishman who becomes an American. We have no use for the German or Irishman who remains such… He must revere only our flag, not only must it come first, but no other flag should even come second.”
I challenge anyone to improve on TR’s statement.
Thanks PR. I am sure I along with most folks here agree with your words. TR’s quote is right on the money.
One more from TR (from Wiki):
President Theodore Roosevelt in speaking to the largely Irish Catholic Knights of Columbus at Carnegie Hall on Columbus Day 1915, asserted that:
“There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all … The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian-Americans or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality, than with the other citizens of the American Republic … There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American. The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else.
President Woodrow Wilson regarded “hyphenated Americans” with suspicion, saying, “Any man who carries a hyphen about with him carries a dagger that he is ready to plunge into the vitals of this Republic whenever he gets ready.”
I suppose I’ll hear from all those black-Americans, moslem-Americans, meskin-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and even from the metrosexual-Americans.
Where’s TR when you need him?
Great words from a great American. However, this is our mess and we need to fix it before it all goes away.
Thank you Rourke for providing me such an excellent bully pulpit.