Video: Patience Grasshopper

John Schneider, aka Bo Duke from the tv series Dukes of Hazard, comments on the 2020 Presential Election.

Calm response using logic and commonsense.



One disagreement I’ll have with John is his opinion that we should just wait. Protesting is as American as apple pie. If I get my chance I will voice my concerns, my outrage, and demand action. I will stand on a street, waving an American flag – and state my grievance. Looking for opportunities now.



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  1. JohnP says:

    I pray Trump proves that the democrats illegally swung the election results in favor of bunker biden and Conrad harris. Those involved in this sceam get prison sentences of ten years and up depending on their involvemr.

  2. goinggray58 says:

    I have never seen an election of any note overturned by courts, but trump is full surprises and convention means nothing to him, which can be good or not.. situationally. We will have to see… One thing working against us, is that most of us that would object and do it well are busy working to pay for all the rest that don’t. They have all but guaranteed that any political activism is very limited from the conservative side.. long and longer work days, left leaning media control, etc etc ..

  3. Arlene says:

    Rourke- and everyone let me know if there are protests as I will come. Meanwhile I am calling every Senator and Rep and demanding recounts and court action and telling the President daily that he is inj our prayers and thoughts and that we support him 100 % Keep praying. Arlene

  4. Vi says:

    What I don’t understand is if the election votes haven’t been fully counted and authenticated how can Biden claim victory ? And why are countries congratulating Biden why there is a chance Trump will retain the presidency? Wouldn’t it have been better to wait to allow due process?

  5. goinggray58 says:

    with Bush/Gore EC or popular votes have always been contentious, and have in the recent decades allegations of tampering. Until now no serious effort was made to prove it to predictions won out over facts potentially.. because they facts were not verified and pushed.. Like a large ship, a national election has a momentum, and it takes a huge effort to alter course even a little. I am fairly certain they counted on media manipulation to predict a winner and let momentum move it forward regardless of facts. More than once, pole predictions well before west coast poles closed (due to poling surveys), caused people to stop voting toward the Eastern poles, before they closed. .They had to change the rules to get that to stop.
    I don’t’ see much difference here.. except it’s media prediction, but not based on actual pole results. 1st amendment arguments make that tougher.
    So our choices are nobody says anything until you get a total and it’s over or have more transparency (of a sort), and deal with the crap we are right now.
    There is no easy answer. personally I want one vote, one ID electronically and hooked up nationally, to validate you are a citizen, alive, and haven’t previously voted. Then it might matter where you live, but not where you vote. No mail you can dump, not ballots workers can falsify, and nearly immediate results. The disallow revealing the count until all poles have closed. At issue is that each state by law can have it’s own voting rules… nearly constitutional sans you interpretation. It would be hard unless each state validated and approved.
    among other issues of course.. IMO

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