Vaccine Door-Knockers: “Ignore No Soliciting Signs”

As reported over at, a document has been found which spells out techniques and strategies for door-to-door visits to encourage people to get the jab. This document states to “ignore no soliciting signs”.

Nothing good is going to come of this. The pathetic level that government intrusion and people’s rights are blatantly trampled over is nothing short of…..tyranny. Go over to ZeroHedge and check the article out if you’d like. I’m going to take this short post in a direction many don’t want to think about.

There is a countless list of insanities going on in this country. No need to spell ’em all out. You’d have to live in a vacuum not know, not to see it – not to feel it. I’ve brought up the division in this country before. It continues to grow in many different directions. It’s not Democrats versus Republicans. It’s not socialists versus conservatives. Like a diamond, there are many sides, many facets, and THAT is what makes the coming war more likely and so unpredictable.

Over history empires usually last only 250 years.

The United States born in 1776 will turn 250 in 2026.



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