The Left Stands Against Police and All Gun Owners


The left never ceases to amaze me. Countless genders. No border security.  7 years to act on climate change or the world will end. Abortion AFTER birth is still a woman’s choice.

This endless credit list of insanity coming from the Left is absurd….and is destroying the country. Let’s review a couple recent examples from the Left.

  1. San Fransisco labels NRA a terrorist organization
  2. California passes a law that citizens can stand by and watch law enforcement in danger

While the NRA has some serious problems right now they are and have been a force protecting gun rights for all Americans.  While we may not agree with all of their actions and decisions facts are facts. There is a reason the Left hates the NRA and for that reason alone I will continue to support them. Now a terrorist organization? So pathetic I just have to laugh.

Freedom to make personal choices is…..well….freedom. California going out if it’s way to tell all citizens that it is perfectly fine to stand by while a police officer is beaten to death. Really? Why do they feel the need to do this? Was this really such a big issue that a law had to be passed? No – they are furthering their agenda and driving their base further to the Left.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.




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