A few days ago it was announced that satellite phones were offered to US Senators as a means of “emergency communications”. Opinions cover a wide spectrum of possibilities as to the specific reasoning for the move. Reports state that the action was in response to the January 6th insurgency, others suggest this is in the case of a natural disaster. Still, others are considering the possibility that with the growing tension and rhetoric between China, Russia, and the United States there is a growing possibility of war. Another scenario floating around for consideration is the possibility of an EMP attack on the United States.
More information has come out saying that Senators and other government officials received training on how to deal with injuries connected to high blood flow.
So let’s look at this with some commonsense and logic:
Satellite communication has been around for decades. This is not new technology. Why would this contingency suddenly become so important that at this very moment in time, satellite communication is provided to government officials in high positions?
EMP? World war? Alien invasion? Potential national grid down situation?
I’ll tell you what it means to me: I’ll focus on EMPÂ and grid down preps for the next few weeks “just in case”.
Please share your thoughts.
Won’t the satellites be affected by EMP? Stay prepared!
The satellites in orbit won’t be affected but the electronic gadgets down here will be unless they are protected. A EMP sure will piss me off with all I invested in my solar power plant!
I am pleased that we tax payers are able to supply these high end phones for our elected criminals. I guess we peasants can just use soup cans with a string to communicate amongst ourselves.
At this point nothing would surprise me, I think we need to concentrate on living like they did in the mid 1800’s with no power. Thinking of a bicycle peered generator to charge a battery to power a 12 volt water pump for m well.
The challenge for survival for me in SW Florida would be the loss of AC. Man that would suck!
We have an alien invasion already, so cross that off your list. EMP would more than likely toast these phones as well. Grid down, reason unknown, likely. World war? Our opponents would probably attempt electronic warfare and make these devices inoperable in connectivity. Most likely scenario in my book is so they can talk with all their co-conspirators about their latest and greatest money making scam, but not on the regular comms that could be monitored more easily.
Most like not. The satellites are already shield against cosmic radiation and solar activity. Also, the EMP would bound back off the upper atmosphere and not be expelled into space. Just like our atmosphere and magnetic field protects us from the hazards of space it will also trap the effects of an EMP within the atmosphere if that is where it was detonated.