Prophetic Speech From 50 Years Ago Foretold the Collapse of United States

The current state of this country is not by mistake. Numerous movies, documentaries, and videos have been produced describing the agenda towards destroying the incredible idea the Founders had and realized. From what I see most people suggest there is ONE agenda, ONE evil organization, and ONE effort that is responsible for bringing down this Republic.

I would suggest there are many entities who work towards a similar goal which is to gain control of the American populace as well as the rest of the world. Power is their goal and all that provides.

In 1974, Robert Welch—founder of The John Birch Society—warned about the globalist plan to destroy America, in a speech which has since proven to be chillingly accurate. “A part of that plan… is to induce the gradual surrender of American sovereignty, piece by piece and step by step, to various international organizations, of which the United Nations is the outstanding but far from the only example.”

I highly suggest you watch the following short video:


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Take care all –


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