National Debt Approaches 30 Trillion Dollars

The National Debt clock just surpassed $28 trillion dollars. It’s not even close to slowing down or going backward. With the upcoming passing of the latest “COVID Stimulus Bill,” the total debt will surpass $30 trillion.

Over the years it’s been predicted that when we hit $6 trillion, $10 trillion, $16 trillion, and even $20 trillion that inflation would skyrocket, the United States would default on its payments – and the economy would crash.

It never happened….at least not yet.

There will come a time when the money supply surpasses the ability for the perceived value of the US dollar to remain normal. Normal is where the average person sees $20 being able to buy what is perceived as $20 worth of stuff. That money supply will go beyond the demand – and prices will increase. Inflation. Hyper-inflation.


That’s the $100,000 grand question.

It will happen eventually. That is a certainty. 2 years? 5 years? 15 years?

What do you think? Comment below.


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  1. Fred+L+Casteel says:

    You think like I do Arlene, I worry about my children and grandchildren. We are not leaving them much, just debt and crooked politicians.

  2. goinggray58 says:

    So much weight is on the global economy over all.. If the US fails so does everyone else. USD has been a lynch pin for the world economy for decades. To feed the pig they will call all or a portion of debt to be canceled so it doesn’t fail utterly. Those most in debt will stand the most to gain, in that case. If you take over a country, do you assume it’s debt ? Nope!.. so will the NWO be just an accounting exercise then? (just a thought).
    Will Bill gates owning and purchasing vast areas of land in the US make him a prince, a land baron ? or just another A$$ with too much money?
    It’s quite clear that change is imminent. The problem with prediction is that of the millions of predictions, someone will be right due to volume, not intelligence.
    So question: If someone, or a group of someone’s knew for a certainty what was going to happen, and when (meaning it was planned), would we know ? I’m going to say no. If it is not planned then what event precipitates a fall (partial or complete)? Fiscal/Martial/Environmental or Act of God ?
    My response would be that it almost does not matter, as the result is the same regardless of the why. In the after, if there is one, every version of history will place blame on whatever makes the authors side’s version sound best. That is nothing new.
    All I have I suppose, is that we argue about trivial things because we fear a lack of predictability or control, more than the outcome. Most religions/ideologies over the eons have had a creation story, as well as a story for the destruction, so nothing new there either. We have always sought the comfort of knowing or having some control of any outcome and surviving it, and if not surviving then, then an after with some vindication and advantage for having lived a good life doing the right things.
    I believe in God and Jesus Christ as his son.. but not all do. Imagine how much you might fret and try to control things here if you did not have a degree of certainty about what is next. I doubt we have any concept of what actually happens, but I do understand the compulsion… we all have it to a greater or lesser degree.
    I did however undervalue the power of normalcy bias, or we would already be in “it”, because ” IT” would have already have hit the fan.. .
    We are all either oblivious or like the fish in the blender cartoon, the suspense is killing us waiting for someone to hit the switch.
    Be deliberate in your planning gang

  3. CaptTurbo says:

    I just keep buying gold and silver mining shares. Gold is getting smashed by the manipulators so I can only assume that this is the time to be buying. This surreal mess we are finding ourselves in is not sustainable. Communists have stolen the government and are doing all in their power to destroy our currency and the republic itself. Beans, bullets, and bullion are what I see to be of value going forward and strangely enough that has been my motto for many years. Good luck to all.

  4. Tony says:

    Most hyperinflations happened to countries that have physically destroyed by war . We could have high record-breaking inflation but prices will not go up by the hour !

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