Is a Red Dawn scenario possible?

The original Red Dawn is one of my all-time favorite movies. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’ve watched it at least 50 times. Over the years I’ve read numerous discussions about how a foreign country would invade the domestic United States and having been involved in a fair amount of these I’ve found the vast majority of folks simply believe it could never happen. The consensus opinion was any invading force would not only have to fave the most superior military force in the world but the armed American citizenship as well.  I have to say my opinion over the years has varied and most of the time I leaned in the direction it was highly unlikely as invading countries know they would lose.

The “Red Dawn” scenario has been on my mind most recently as there are some serious security “issues” related to the US homeland.

First – the current administration in the White House has shown incredible weakness and poor decision-making. Consider the Chinese balloon that drifted across the United States navigating itself over multiple critical military bases. It’s been noted that this may have occurred multiple times in recent years and very possibly without any acknowledgment from the US armed forces. What if such a craft contained an EMP weapon and was able to disable a portion of the electrical grid of the United States? Beyond the significant economic impact – such an event could open the door to foreign forces taking advantage.


Second – the porous southern border. Countless millions have utilized it to gain access to the inner areas of the United States. There is little doubt out of those millions, numerous sleeper cells have taken root near their intended targets ready to strike when given the opportunity. These sleeper cells target energy infrastructure, communications networks, municipal water supplies, financial centers, and high-population centers. The reports of Chinese and Russian nationalists crossing the southern border are only an indication of what is really happening. The reports are of those who were caught. How many have gained access to the interior and are completely unknown. Exactly. Unknown.


attacks on US power grid, Red Dawn, terrorism, United States


Third – let’s consider a few things and get them out on the table:

  • Many of us would shake our heads at the idea of a Red Dawn scenario or even any foreign direct attack as it’s simply just crazy, right? As we look back over the last decade or so I would suggest many of the events that have impacted our lives were unpredictable and could have been looked at as “crazy” if it had been predicted just a short time prior to the actual event. Basically – we are living in extremely unpredictable times.
  • Direct attacks within the borders of the United States may be used in a campaign to get the citizenship to be against any conflict with China/Russia and pressure the government to back down.
  • Any conflict with China would eliminate all trade between the USA and China. This would have a drastic negative impact on the US economy. Beyond the massive inflationary trend which would occur, mass layoffs and supply chain shortages would become the norm. Most cannot fathom the true impact of an absence of trade with China.
  • Russia has been mapping European and US critical infrastructure both at sea as well as on land. With NATO’s responsibility for the destruction of the Nordstrom pipeline, Russia has openly stated that they will target critical internet and other communication lines at sea. Consider that Chinese balloon that recently flew over the United States. Is China sharing the data collected with its Russian friends?
  • Alaska is only 55 miles from Russia.
  • Any large invasion of the United States would require access to major sea ports along the east coast and west coast. This presents a significant challenge to both China and Russia. On the east coast, there are several large ports including Charleston, SC. Unfortunately for the invading forces nearby military bases provide ample protection. On the west coast, California offers several ports including San Diego, and like on the east – there are several US military bases nearby. Further north near Portland and Seattle there lies the possible answer for an invading force. A large port that can handle the arrival of many troops, large ships, and the unloading of vast quantities of equipment without the threat from nearby military resources.  Maybe. Can you imagine the reaction of the pot-smoking citizens of Seattle who hold up their peace signs and gun-banning propaganda seeing Russians unloading Soviet T-72 tanks?

Now – yes, I admit it’s not likely that a Chinese and Russian invasion of the mainland United States will happen. I will also admit I never would have imagined that the government would have 100% lied to the American people about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, nor would have lied about 15 days t stop the spread, or that those who were vaccinated couldn’t spread the virus.

Most importantly – what do YOU think?



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