Is a Collapse Around The Corner?

We are heading for a new great depression, but most of us are completely unaware. If you do not pay attention and look for specific news it’s easy to just assume everything’s OK.  It’s not. The world is simply getting crazier day by day. Keeping up with the pieces of the puzzle is not easy.

Here are a few pieces:

  • Inflation(being underreported by the government) continues to increase week after week.
  • Climate Change and White Supremecy are considered the biggest threats to the United States by the Biden administration.
  • National deficits are growing and taking us to a Federal Debt of $30 trillion.
  • The USD is losing value basically creating a pay decrease for all Americans.
  • Continued rising tensions with China and Russia.
  • Several cyberattacks have occurred hitting different industries. The threat from cybercrimes is increasing and could play a very large role in a future SHTF event.
  • It’s become blatantly obvious that the government has taken full advantage of COVID to push forth agendas which they normally wouldn’t.
  • Anti-police activity which led to defunding of police departments across the nation is reeling as crime spikes.
  • Thefts are up as well as rapes, murders, and other violent crimes. Reports are coming in that these crimes are occurring in areas that typically are peaceful.
  • Illegal drug use is up and homelessness is as well.
  • Division amongst citizens continues to grow with many sides becoming more organized, decisive, and radical.
  • Supply chain issues continue across numerous industries and for a variety of reasons.
  • Illegal immigration continues to trend upwards as the current Administration welcomes those crossing the border.
  • Firearm purchases continue to be strong among those favorable to the 2nd Amendment as well as those typically NOT in favor of guns.

economic collapse, United States, SHF, prepper, preparedness, survival

Many have predicted economic collapse and other calamities for years. Time and time again accurately predicting the future is shown to be extremely difficult, well, pretty much impossible. What can be done is to look at as many data points as possible and come to a consensus as to the direction of the data points. While timing is difficult to determine I’ll say the indicators are not good. The pieces of the puzzle can just now start to be assembled and the corresponding picture is horrific.


What do you think? What is going to happen over the next 2-3 years? 5-7 years? 

What are your biggest concerns?

Interesting time no doubt.




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