Ignorance is Truly Bliss


I am writing this sitting in a quaint coffee shop in the town which I live. The young and the old are flocking in…lining up to buy these tiny creations of cake, chocolate, fruit fillings and numerous things I cannot pronounce. The guy behind the counter is metro-sexual to the highest level and I would place him at the opposite end of the man spectrum compared to Si from Duck Dynasty.

Uncle SiYeah….I’m being a bit judgmental as I sit with my Diet Coke and chocolate “torte” in front of me.

I can tell you I feel about as comfortable in this environment as a Trump supporter at a Hillary rally. My son is upstairs getting tutored for Algebra. Figured you were wondering why I was in here.

I’m watching these people. One right after the other. Manicures, pedicures, and perms(not that there’s anything wrong with that). They talk….well….gossip really about who did what to whom and how many times. Each seems to be making a fashion statement and consider the importance of the brand of their purse(both men and women) well over the government’s monetary policy or the number of vets that committed suicide today.

Out front sits a Prius. Is it there? Could it be? Yes! A “Bernie” sticker rides on the back of this car. Fitting.

A guy just walked in wearing skinny jeans and I am fairly certain black fingernail polish. Hmmmm…..

I need a beer.

Of course, they serve wine….no beer.

These people have no clue. Well, I’m generalizing of course but since I’m writing this I’m allowed. The Federal debt is approaching 20 trillion. They have no clue. Over 300,000 babies will be killed this year because it just isn’t convenient to take responsibility. They have no clue. There is a North Korean satellite flying overhead that MAY contain a nuclear weapon that could send us back to the stone age. They have no clue.  I am sitting here armed…..yet somehow this evil gun doesn’t kill them. They have no clue.

What the hell is a torte anyways? Seems like a piece of cake to me.

Ignorance is bliss.


NOTE: This post was previously published on 1776PatriotUSA.com

 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

A New Knife Recommendation –

I received the HX Outdoors Survival Knife a couple weeks ago and in the midst of evaluating. I can tell you this is the sharpest knife I have ever had EXCEPT for a Cold Steel Recon Tanto I owned back in the late 80’s. This thing came SHARP.


Here are a few of the features:

D2 coated blade and Kydex sheath, more durable, wear-resistance
G10 material handle
Tail hammer will help you break the window or hammer
Two holes of the handle make it easy to make into the spear
Detachable magnesium rod for firestarting
Built in diamond sharpener on sheath



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  1. goingray58 says:

    Dude .. why torture yourself ?
    You knew what you would see.
    that’s like starbucks man ..
    Don’t go .. it may be contagious ..
    Be careful


  2. secondrecon says:

    Dude why are you talking so bad about those poor little snowflakes like that . You could hurt there little feelings.????????????? Hehehehehehehe.

  3. john wilkerson says:

    Did you really paint your toenails black John?
    I wouldn’t have thought that of you. Lol lol just kidding bro, I wouldn’t believe that no matter how many say it’s true lol
    You know I’m just funnin.

  4. Clark says:

    Well written rourke, it’s nice to see other people think I do in public, although I must say coffee shop? Really, you were asking for a snowflake seen there bro! Lol, son taking lessons does explain it! Your no doubt a dedicated father, I just hope your son knows the sacrifice you made there today! Pure torture that must have been! By the way diet soda has been proven to cause weight gain, healthier to drink plane soda with real sugar

      1. 3rdMan says:

        News Flash Capt. we’ll going to die!!! Even with the so called cancer causing sugar, we’re living longer and healthier than people 100 years ago!!! So, live a little, your going to die one day anyway. Diet Sodas do actually cause your body to crave carbs thought, which can be a problem if trying to lose weight.

  5. CaptTurbo says:

    Hey, you stung me with that bit about the men carrying purses. I carry one too. In my defense, it contains a Beretta 92FS loaded with subsonic 124 grn Speer gold Dots and equipped with a LaserMax. Heh heh. 😉

  6. M says:

    I have to confess that I drive a 2007 Prius….only because I am cheap and want the best gas mileage I can get. Currently getting 53mpg..it is paid for and nothing fancy and no bumper stickers LOL. Just gets me back and forth to work and on occasion to the gun range. I like to break stereotypes and go against the grain.

    1. CaptTurbo says:

      If you want to relieve yourself from the shame you could pick up a used VW TDI. I drive the TDI Sportwagen and it gives me about 43 mpg city. The TDIs make gobs of torque so you can run circles around a Prius while smoking the tires. lol.

      1. M says:

        Love that idea! Will have to get a giant Trump bumper sticker!! My aunt has Hillary stickers all over her car. Get me a barf bag!!

    2. JR says:

      M – no offense meant on driving a Prius. It just fits the narrative for many of these folks. Get the TRUMP bumper sticker. Awesome!

  7. Oren says:

    I’m sorry, maybe I’m too sheltered. Could you explain “metro-sexual”.

    Before the election, I was in the parking lot for Lowes in Clemson, SC. There was a Prius in front of us with a bumper sticker….Ready for Hillary and a Clemson University parking permit sticker. That tipped my bucket. Then this “thing” a female with pink hair, about 60 years old came out. My wife told me NO…you cannot run over her even though you do not count her as human.
    I went to Clemson in the ’60’s when it had a major ROTC program. I was in a military fraternity. I went to Vietnam as a volunteer, i was not drafted. When I saw this garbage on her bumper it drained the last of the little respect I had for Clemson out of my body. I don’t watch them on TV, I don’t go to the games and don’t for sure wear any of the advertising clothing. The school has gotten entirely too liberal.

    1. JR says:

      Oren/Lightning – Metro-Sexual is a term used to describe any number of traits for the “modern man” who partake in some activities that typically women do. Wearing make up, getting facials, and dressing rather effeminate.

  8. Lightning says:

    Rourke- I also dont know what metro sexual means.I assume it means a very very
    gentle almost feminine male?
    Our local library had training for the staff for a just in case gun attack. Some inner cities libraries have been having problems. At least they are trying to be prepared I guess.
    Anyone have any thoughts re: Trumps “calm before the storm” ?

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