Gates Largest Farmland Owner in United States

Conspiracy theories are plentiful when it comes to Bill Gates being the largest single farmland owner in the United States.  The reason why Gates has bought so much farmland is plentiful. Many believe that Gates knows there are hard economic times ahead and investing in farmland versus the US dollar is a way for him to maintain his wealth. Others go as far as to say he wants total control over our food supply. His work with GMO’s has many concerned that he will no only control the farms, but also the seeds and genetic make-up of the food itself.

Just because someone is paranoid doesn’t mean they are wrong. There’s nothing wrong with questioning Gates delving into the farming industry to such a large extent.

My thoughts?

This is another concerning piece of the puzzle that when all the pieces start coming together show the present day we live in and a very uncertain future we are heading towards. Food – above all – is the most important prep. Between the climate issues over the last few years and large corporation’s involvement in farming, it certainly makes sense to store more food and grow your own food as much as possible.



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