Thank you to all those that have served – Happy Veterans Day. If it were not for the brave who have protected this country we would not have the freedoms we so often take for granted. Thank you!
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I know everyone’s tired of hearing about the election but it is very relevant and will be for some time.
Now we have people in the streets protesting – and even getting violent – due to the results of the election. These are the very same people who have been calling Trump a racist and that he would bring about violence, hate, and division. Um….yeah….right. As it goes with Liberals the hypocrisy runs deep. All over social media people are calling for Trump to be killed and numerous celebrities are promoting violence.
The above video represents the mindset of a certain segment of the Liberal populace.
Folks – this is just the start.
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Reminder: Comment on the GearBest Flashlight Giveaway to enter to win. Winner to be chosen on the 15th.
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I heard reports from within the firearm community that AR’s will drop to prices NEVER seen before around February. Manufactures and gun shops had stocked up expecting Hillary to be elected and a run on guns and ammo shortly after.
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Hey – I hope everyone has a great weekend. Be safe!