From the Desk of John Rourke – – – > May 14th, 2024

Health Update: Right now I am waiting on a CT scan to be scheduled. Last appointment with the surgeon he said everything looked great and he expects after the CT scan the drain will be removed. I asked about recovery time once the drain is removed and he said no restrictions. I’m sure I will be fairly sore for a while, but, I’m looking forward to getting back in the gym and doing a lot more around the property.

Tonight I was getting dressed after a shower and the drain tube got caught on my leg and I yanked it really good. Right now it is EXTREMELY sensitive. I’m hoping for that CT scan and drain removal…..SOON!

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A lot of work in the garden over the weekend.

I’ve mentioned before that I’ve not had any luck starting seeds indoors. When I was down South I tried using grow lamps and think I gave the plants too much light. Once brought outside they died. The reality is with the long growing seasons in South Carolina starting seeds indoors really wasn’t needed. I tried starting seeds indoors here in Maine and made the mistake of leaving them exposed when the temps dropped below freezing. Yup. Dead.

I’ve said it before gardening is not something you can just store some seeds and expect to be able to grow tons of food whenever needed. I’ve learned by screwing up. and the time to learn is now before depending on food from a garden is needed.

Here’s a recent video update on the garden:

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Has anyone else noticed that whatever the Socialist Left accuses the Constitutional Patriotic Right of doing is actually what they are guilty of?

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gas strage, propane storage, prepare, fuel storage, prepper, prepping, stocking up,

Not sure if I’ve shared this before and if I did, well, whatever. I was lucky enough to be given two used large aluminum truck toolboxes. These have seen a lot of use but they shut and can hold supplies. Right now I have them stashed behind our garage where it is shady ALL day. I decided to store extra propane tanks and metal fuel cans.

I’m planning to pick up a few more of those 5-gallon metal gas cans as well as more propane tanks. Currently, We’ve got 10 propane tanks and plan to get more. We also have a 420-pound tank for our propane heater which I’d love to add another. They are not cheap!

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Have a good week everyone!!





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