From the Desk of John Rourke – February 19th, 2024

Hello all! Hope everyone’s week has started off well. Tonight it’s going to drop to around 6 degrees here in Maine. It’s been a very easy winter as far as snow goes. Currently, the forecast is calling for some snow on Friday and Saturday but a lot can happen between now and then.

We shall see.

wood stove, survival, winter, heating, prepare, prepper, get ready

I recently picked up a partial cord of wood from

I didn’t need the wood, but, like ammunition, if you have a wood stove you simply can’t have too much. I’m so glad I connected with “207” as he’s a great guy and provides a fantastic product. All the wood I got tested out at between 10-14% moisture and was extremely uniform in size. I’m going to reach out to pick up another load soon.

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Maine Prepper Girl and I enjoy going to antique shops and estate sales. At a recent estate sale, I came across an old Coleman lantern pictured above. It mounts atop a standard 1-pound propane canister and shines extremely bright. As part of our grid-down preps and combined with redundancy with battery-operated lanterns and candles it alone can light up the entire cabin.

I ended up ordering two more identical lanterns off eBay and picked up a bunch of the mantels for them. Over the coming summer, we will stock up on 1-pound propane cannisters for the following winter. Now – these are not only winter items. Light is needed all times of the year.

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Communication is a part of preparedness that is largely overlooked, but, at the same time over emphasized. Yeah, doesn’t make sense I know. The bottom line is I place a great emphasis on “local” communications. I’m talking short-range. From our property, I’d like to set up a communications system that can reach out close to a 5-mile diameter. This means from one side to another – 10 miles total. I own a GMRS repeater that has NOT been installed. I have a 2-meter base station and need to mount an antenna as high as possible to reach mobile units as far as possible.

Come Spring there is a lot of work to do. November 2024 is our target date to get so much accomplished – and to be as ready as possible for what may await us.
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My local Tractor Supply just got in a huge variety of plants, and seeds, and is getting set up for baby chicks. MPG and I are planning to get a chicken coop and caging in an area for them. We are looking at adding additional blueberry bushes and also planting several apple trees.

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Stay safe all and please…..keep preparing.


Retreat Arrival Checklist & How To Build a Survival Group Printable Digital Guide | Prepper | Get Ready | SHTF | Preparedness | How To

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This is a digital product that is downloaded upon purchase. Works with all multimedia devices.

Includes a full-color PDF file. 🎯
💥 A prepper retreat is a designated location where individuals with a shared mindset for preparedness come together to provide mutual support during challenging times. It serves as a secure and well-equipped refuge for those who are proactive in anticipating and readying themselves for various emergencies, be they natural disasters or societal crises. The core principle of a prepper retreat revolves around the notion of like-minded individuals collaborating, pooling resources, and offering assistance to one another during adverse circumstances. In essence, it is a community of individuals who function as a cohesive team, ensuring each member's well-being and resilience in the face of adversity.
💥A long-term grid-down collapse is a scenario that poses significant challenges to modern society. It can result from various factors such as economic instability, natural disasters, or social unrest. To increase your chances of survival, it's essential to have a well-prepared survival group and retreat. This guide provides a variety of ideas to consider when your group arrives to the retreat as well as some of the factors and conditions that may be encountered. As a bonus there is an additional BONUS guide that covers many of the important aspects to putting that survival group together.
Countless hours were spent putting this checklist and corresponding information together and it’s based on real-world experience. We are here to help get you prepared.
What happens when some catastrophic events occur and people begin to arrive at a retreat location? Who does what and when? Situational details will dictate quite a bit, however, having some form of checklist with corresponding information will help remember things, decrease stress, and allow people to use their brains for thinking.

Why have this Retreat Arrival Checklist? 🤔

💥It’s important to set procedures before you need them. Having a copy on hand at the retreat for common access, it can be utilized to provide guidance and direction when retreat members are under incredible stress.

💥 It isn’t likely that all members will arrive at once… so the checklist can be used to begin work as the first members arrive. Also, there is no guarantee everyone will arrive, and the work still has to be done. It’s important to stay busy to keep minds focused and not overthinking about the future.
Thank you for stopping by and please let me know if there is anything you need. We are in this together.
Instant download after purchase. 💻
Thanks so much! 👍
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