From the Desk of John Rourke

Hope this finds everyone doing well, and safe.

For those that are new here, “From the Desk of John Rourke” are posts I publish here and there covering random topics. Topics covered range from politics to shooting, from preparedness to life philosophy.

Let’s get started:

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We as a nation have fallen so far…..we quite often need to obtain permission to carry on the very freedoms and rights that so many have sacrificed to protect.

To travel from one place to another via the most common transportation method – the automobile – you must obtain a government license, pay government property and sales taxes on the vehicle itself, pay taxes in the fuel purchased to run the vehicle, and often pay tolls to travel on the roads that other taxes fund.

Want to open a business? Go to city hall and purchase permits, pay fee’s, etc.

To hunt the land and fish the water’s licenses are required. To travel across the woods in 4-wheelers, ATV’s, and snowmobiles – permits and registrations are purchased from the government.

In most areas to purchase food, taxes must be paid. The restaurant you eat had to buy a multitude of licenses and permits and get inspections. All government-related.

It seems blatantly obvious to me that the government took the words, “provide for the common Defense and general Welfare” written in the Constitution a bit too far.

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I’m a bit sensitive about treating this website and my other online entities as a business. I really shouldn’t. I have some ads on the side of the page, some affiliate links where readers can click on and if they purchase something I earn a cup of coffee – maybe. The reality is I spend a lot of time writing, conversing, creating, designing, researching, developing, etc. There is value to the information I provide – whether it be entertainment or educational.

I recently announced that I was starting a Patreon page. I’ve had a few people show interest and a few even signed up prior to my official launch. A couple have told me they have no interest. I’m good either way. I’m taking Patreon very seriously and I’m pretty excited!! This is a new way to interact and develop a positive community with like-minded people. I’ve developed my Patreon page and already started posting content. Even though the official launch date is September 1st, however, I’ve already started.

Nothing will change here, however, things are going to be very active and interesting over at the 1776PatriotUSA Patreon Page. I’m really looking forward to sharing my efforts and progress with my American Exit Strategy. Come join the fun! If it’s not your cup of tea you can cancel anytime.

$1.00 per month.

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BTW……not everything with 2020 has been bad.

Here is my grandson…….

He’s awesome!!

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NOTE: I will be traveling over the next couple of weeks starting tomorrow. The weekly “Status Reports” are likely going to be absent, however, most other normal content will be created. Just keep in mind if there are some delays you’ll know why.

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The Auguson Farms 30-Day Freeze Dried Food Bucket is back in stock for around $118. Not a bad price for a 30 day supply for one person.

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Have a good rest of your week everyone!!


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