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Every time you pay a bill via “Snail Mail” or send an actual letter via USPS, place your US Flag “Forever” stamp upside down. Let everyone know how many of us KNOW Trump won.
Just my 2 1/2 cents worth.
Good idea.
I still can’t believe I lived long enough to see the end of democracy in America.
John, very true. I will continue to fly my Betsy Ross flag and my Trump commando flag.
The narrative was written and fulfilled. The country turned it’s back on God and we will fall. Our republic fell yesterday… when law and constitution is no longer followed. People turn their heads when we evidence of treasonous acts. The Republican Party is no more. We need our own party and frankly our own country…. I will not be part of the communist state of America.
Well said Kimberly.
Kimberly, yes, it’s time for a new party.
I agree, new party!
Too many Republicans stood idly through the last two administrations never SPEAKING out for good, nor even admonishing evil.
I read that a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of government will the new government be to which he replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it”.
04 July 1776 to 06 January 2021
Truth 100%
Finally found out what the upside down flag means, I saw one with a Trump 2020 flag and I assumed it referred to the tragic loss of our freedoms. I cannot believe this happened in my lifetime (50). God Bless OUR President Trump for being the man brave enough and smart enough to accomplish so much to ripple the system. He is not done yet, there’s still time for more. Have patience for more to come, have calm if things actually do transition to Lyin Joe. Of course I could be arrested for calling Joe that the way things are right now… oh well. I try to remain a positive light for everyone who is angry everywhere. Peace, light and love
If Biden gets sworn in as the new president, I would suggest concentrating our efforts on the state and local level.
They are more “approachable and accountable” than the swamp creatures in DC.
Start a letter writing/e-mail campaign and tell your state and local reps we don’t want what Biden and Harris are selling.
Find out where your sheriff and county/city commissioners, mayor, stand on freedom issues, start a 2nd amendment sanctuary city/county if they are agreeable on those issues.
Remember, if the states and local government don’t enforce what DC wants then it won’t get done.