I’ve struggled with the level of politics to share on this website. When I first started 1776, I said many times that preparedness and politics were intimately connected. The reason for that is simple: The vast majority of potential events that preppers prepare for have a direct connection to the government. This includes economic collapse, mass inflation, world war, crime waves, and states of tyranny. The list goes on and on.
The stand I take today is there is no saving us. It does not matter who is voted into office nor how many letters you send to your Congressman. The point of no return has well passed by and we simply cannot reverse the course we are on. Can things be slowed? Possibly. Saved? No. Societal decay has taken hold like a cancer, and it’s spreading. No amount of medication or praying will create some reverse utopia that will make everything better and heal all the boo-boos.
Consider the massive spending that has created this inflationary environment we find ourselves. This has been built over the past couple of decades by both sides of the aisle and continues to this day. Trillions of dollars have been infused into the economy generating the highest inflation in 40 years. The government response? The Inflation Reduction Act adds almost another $1 trillion to the national debt. That’s like helping a heart attack patient by stabbing them in the foot. That’ll work out well.
Sorry if this is a bit harsh. No – actually not sorry. It is what it is.
The reality is those who stand against the Constitution and all it stands for have incredible power. They control the majority of news media so as families sit at home after work they are informed of a version of what has occurred rather than the truth. They control almost all social media and manipulate social media algorithms to push an agenda that is quite separate from the truth, what is right, and what is in line with the Constitution. They control the vast majority of financial institutions and have the ability to shut down organizations they disagree with and pull financial tools from those businesses who fail to meet their social credit score. Truth matters, however, it is hard to find except by those who search for it.
I’ve heard many times that truth is a matter of perspective. I disagree. There is truth based on facts, logic, and common sense. One plus one will always equal two. That is truth. These insane social constructs that suggest you should be forced to call someone by the pronouns they demand and radical, extremist actions are required to deal with a supposed climate emergency that awaits us just around the corner….insanity.
The truth is we have an economic crisis that is ongoing and growing in severity. The truth is we have a border crisis that has thousands of desperate illegal immigrants entering this country with a large percentage who are not seeking a better life but rather invading this country in an effort to spread illegal drugs and profit from illegal activities. The United States government might as well sponsor the cartels. The truth is this country was founded on a set of principles and ideas that generated the largest growth of freedom the planet has ever seen. These United States have led the world in industry, medicine, exploration, academia, and technology to the betterment of humankind. No more.
There’s evil in the world and you can see it making moves daily to remove individual rights, increase dependence on government, and make that which used to be celebrated and was good now demonized and bad. Powerful organizations are funding radical “woke” political candidates to further their extreme agenda. The deck is absolutely stacked against those of us who have traditional values and believe in individual rights and freedoms.
We have the members of the World Economic Forum discussing mass control over the world population. This is not a conspiracy – this is real. Between land grabs, financial controls, disarmament, and economic constraints due to an apparent climate change disaster the world’s population must be controlled to prevent mass genocide.
Whatever. These people are crazier than a barrel full of monkeys trying to hump a door knob.
As we look back over the past decade and see the extreme nature in which changes in culture, society, and the world take place I cannot help but wonder where we will be in a short 4 years. I simply cannot imagine.
What are your thoughts? Share below.
I was saying the exact same thing to a Friend last night and He agreed. We are not going to vote out way out of this. We have crossed the Rubicon and We will have to survive the best way We can.
Make local contacts for Barter purposes and mutual support. NO, You don’t have to tell them Your plans, just lay the ground work and know who You may be able to trust and who You can’t. Going to be a heck of a ride, but We can make it.
in march3rd president biden signed a executive order saying that were getting a white card that has our personal things on it like your bank account drivers license info social securty number height weight hair color eye color etc,etc, i forget the title of the article but it was sighned on march 3rd 2022. see if anyone else has heard about this executive order
I agree with you 100 percent JR. I am really afraid for my Grandchildren as to what kind of a world they will have, like you said, in four years. Hopefully we will be Raptured out of here by then.
I AGREE TOTALLY WITH FRED THERES TWO PARTS TO THE EVIL GOVERNMENT FIRST IS THE NATIONAL ID CARD THERES ALSO CHIPS THAT DOCTORS PUT IN PEOPLES BODIES the third part will be when the antichrist comes on the scene he will have the mark of the beast in your right hand or the forehead it is talked about in the bible starting with chapter 4-23 read the chapter it is about the end times and the evil world government.in revelation…
I saw or heard that the Agriculture Dept. wants everyone to register thier
garden. Hmmm.
There favorite authors are Saul Alinski’d full speed ahead and Piven and Cloward’s how to overwhelm the system and collapse the country.
Collapsing the dollar is apart of their plan, they want us on our knees begging for help, that’s when they plan to come in and help us, but those bread cards will cost you your guns and constitutional rights in order to receive it, they will say it is temporary, it’s for your safety they will say. If you refuse to give up your guns and home and move to their refugee camp Then they will deny food to your neighbors because you haven’t complied and try to turn neighbor against neighbor, they are very good at this, they have been divided if this country for a long time now… all democracies fail, our time is coming, there’s a reason the United States isn’t talked about in rapture at the end, it’s obvious why, because there is no United States in the end, it brakes my heart, but if the people will not rise up together… we fall, we’ve all been using the saying for our hole lives, United we stand, divided we fall, well we now have generations of indoctrinated youths from fatherless broken homes, the damage is far past us fixing now, this took our enemies generations to pull off, what’s it been sines the removed teaching history from our schools? 30 years now??? Good times breed week men, we’ve quite possibly lived through the greatest times of mankind’s history right here in the center of it all the United States. BUT there are still many patriots out there fighting the good fight, everyday we win court battles for our rights of speech and second amendment, and putting politicians in like Trump buys us tremendous benefits and time, there’s was a trump meeting going around for years that was the truest thing you could ever see a meme say, it had trump sitting there looking at you and it said, they are attacking me to get to you, they don’t want me they want you!! I believe that Voting, writing our Congress, speaking out against the
Voting, writing or Congress, speaking out against the Violations to our constitution ABSOLUTELY buys us more time, this fight has been going on for centuries now, good verses evil, you better believe it is absolutely real! To stop fighting is to put handcuffs on your own hands, it is to kiss the foot of your enemy to give up, I will NEVER stop, I will vote, I will speak up and complain to everyone including my elected officials every single day, I will Znever give up my hope, I will never stop fighting even if my only weapon at hand is my words, and I will also pray because I know that some things I am powerless to change, but with my faith, with my HOPE, I will NEVER go silently into the night being lead to my gas chamber!!! I WILL FIGHT!
To give up, to surrender, to be SILANT is to be a slave, is your safety worth all that you hold dear to you in this world? Is it worth your dignity, your self worth, your self respect, is that what you want your loved ones to see in us? is it worth your very soul?? I Humbly think the answers we seek are there for us in the Bible, I fear the cost for not taking a stand for what we believe is far more than many might imagine. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Amen. More and more I think the answers we are all looking for in the Bible, I pray for our country and I pray for us all.
John Hancock, you are correct in you assumtions. Obuma wanted the glory of being culminating there agenda while he was in office and it didn’t happen, now his puppet, dementia man is in office and by executive order and ignoring the Constitution he very well may succeed. As far as using my family and neighbors as pawns to make me surrender to the government’s dictates won’t happen. One thing about a tour in Vietnam showed me is what living under a dictatorship was like and what the communist were capable of. I pray God has a plan for this nation and the world. PS you can see how we will treated, yesterday the stock market was down inflation is hurting most people in this country, his energy policies will cause people to die this winter, we may see a worldwide recession, and he has an show with Elton John at the White for his friends and co-conspiracist in this agenda 21 conspiracy.