Banks Collapsing and Real Life

There is certainly a lot of rhetoric about these recent bank failures and the government is playing it off that there are no “bailouts” and all is OK. This economic environment is unlike anything we have seen before. Record low unemployment, businesses of all sizes desperate to find workers, interest rates skyrocketing, the stock market inching lower, the national debt booming higher towards $32 trillion – and home prices falling while supply remains extremely low.

The following video provides some commentary on current events and what he says makes a lot of sense.

My recommendation continues to be to have cash on hand, secured silver put back, real estate as an investment, and tangibles to fall back on to use or trade out for any of the aforementioned.

When will we experience a collapse similar to or worse than the Great Depression? Well – I’m batting zero on my predictions so I’ll just say it’s a matter of time. Until then stock up, put back, and enjoy life.

Until next time stay safe.



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