Attacks On The 2nd Amendment


The meaning and focus of the 2nd Amendment could not be any clearer – “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

The current political environment has politicians and many citizens alike, including President Trump, suggesting that further gun control laws need to be implemented. I often find citizens being ignorant of the facts and have a perspective that is misguided while being frustrated and simply jumping on the anti-gun bandwagon. Politicians merely focus on poll numbers as well as anything to push their anti-gun agenda – and next secured reelection – forward.

If you’re a visitor here and are reading this you likely already know that the intent of the 2nd Amendment is directly related to holding the government accountable and has nothing to do with hunting or target practice.  The 2nd Amendment was put in place to ensure that the citizens of the United States have the means to overthrow a tyrannical government. Period.

Those who wish to pass gun control laws are attempting to restrict the ability of citizens to react and hold the government accountable. This is the precise reason the 2nd Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights and the words “shall not be infringed” were so plainly included. Any and all gun control laws that restrict the ability to carry forth the reasoning for the 2nd Amendment are unconstitutional.

As far as specific firearms the 2nd Amendment may be referring to it is crystal clear. Military-grade firearms. No exceptions.

Every Patriot that has the ability to purchase a battle rifle should do so as well as stock up on the necessary magazines and ammunition to go along with it. This is a responsibility and a RIGHT, not a privilege.

No better time than right NOW to stock up.





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