A Few Thoughts on AI

Artificial Intelligence is all over the news and there is tremendous concern about its use and impact on the future. These concerns are well founded. ChatGPT is just one AI tool that has become extremely popular and the abilities it has is truly impressive. If you want a recipe on how to make cornbread – simply ask it to write out a recipe for traditional cornbread with as few ingredients as possible and it’ll do so. AI can be a fantastic tool to improve time management and efficiency in numerous ways. It’s also a technology that is going to completely change the future.

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Historically someone would go to school and learn engineering. They would graduate and begin their career learning a trade, honing their skills and knowledge – and becoming a specialist in a certain industry. With AI, people are not necessarily going to need to know engineering to the degree tradition has dictated. No – someone will simply need to know how to ask AI the right questions to get the right answers. What you ask and how you ask the question to get a desired outcome is called a “prompt”. In the not-to-distant future companies will be looking for experts in AI Prompts. AI is absolutely going to eliminate jobs and reduce costs for companies. The impact of those job losses is difficult to calculate, but, already people are suggesting Universal Income as a solution to fewer people needing to work. We are already seeing education in America being deeply affected as students use AI to write book reports, essays, and to summarize books in order to avoid performing the hard work and effort to yield traditional results. This will have a drastic impact on future generations and the level of knowledge they have as they move into the workplace will be greatly diminished.

The medical industry is experimenting with “AI doctors” who will diagnose patients and make recommendations for treatment. No doubt hospital systems will relish the idea of reducing expensive doctor salaries and simply replacing them with computers. We’ve already seen that some AI systems show a bias towards one particular political view or social system belief. This allows one side of an agenda-driven system to influence millions. The military is certainly looking at AI for numerous applications including unmanned vehicles and combat analytics. Is it farfetched that at some point the movie Terminator and its Cyberdyne Systems SKYNET may come even remotely close to reality?

Skynet, Cyberdyne, Cyberdyne Systems, Terminator, shtf, survival, prepper, preparedness, AI, artificial intelligence, end of world, apocalypse,


Technology can be a wonderful thing. What I have seen over the past 10-15 years tells me that technology is developing faster than society can adapt AND stay within a normal range of positive mental health. Basically – humans were not made to deal with all that technology is providing.

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