Are you concerned with what’s happening in the world and want to be prepared for uncertain times ahead?
We have started a Telegram group for like-minded individuals who share a common belief that getting ready is essential. Our aim is to foster a community where we can openly discuss ideas and strategies to better prepare ourselves and our families.
Please note that we have a zero-tolerance policy towards racism, anti-Christian sentiments, and any form of disrespectful behavior. We are SPAM FREE and will keep it that way. We are pro-Constitution, pro-America, and pro-Freedom. This is a place we can come together and learn from each other’s experiences.
If you’re interested in joining follow the link below.
We can’t wait to have you on board!
Launching December 1st, 2024, an assortment of Telegram Channels are launching based on a variety of topics. Above are the Telegram addresses where you can find these channels.
Here are the web addresses where they can be accessed:
Any questions shoot me an email: