Back in 2016 I wrote a post the day after Trump won the Presidency. I was shocked. I among many other did not think it was even remotely possible. Here in 2024 things were quite different. While my confidence was not extremely high I was very hopeful. Well, against the Deep State, most all of the Federal government, most of the mainstream media, continued election cheating and fraud, corporate America, and most all of Hollywood he has become the 47th President of the United Stated.
Now what?
The future remains anything but certain. There have been assignation attempts. Will there be more? He has more support from Congress going into January. Will it make a difference? The Deep State continued to infiltrate both sides of the political aisle.
The Republican Party has an opportunity to make true change and show the American people why they were elected and put into place. I hope they act.
It’s going to be interesting!
Stay safe all and keep prepping….
John, it’s going to be a bumpy ride, the dumbs will do everything possible to throw a monkey wrench into everything he wants to do make America great again.
until they end the ability of lawfare in this country, we will always be under the burden of that, and the distractions that it causes,
anyone can sue anyone else legally in this country for anything, and it forces people to answer those charges, no matter how frivolous.
lawyers across the country are foaming at the mouth now thinking how much money they will make. it will be a huge distraction.
I’m sure that on day one there will be a call to impeach Trump by the left and that it will be a never ending thing for four yrs..
we are off to a good start but we still need to vote out the RINO’s like Mitt Romney and others.
good luck to everyone and be happy for what we have now.
Wise words Scout. The legal system like most other systems in this country are corrupt.
I always say who ever gets in. Don’t Screw It Up! This will be a great opportunity to make things a whole lot better for the most of us.
Trump needs to hit the ground running on day 1. Immediately arrest the traitors, ie myorkas, milley and a host of others. No forgive and forget, none of that. Also Day 1, immediate pardons for the J6 prisoners, the grandma sentenced for praying at an abortion clinic, I’m sure there are more, plus financial restitution for them. Secure the border, illegal invaders need to be dealt with, voluntary deportation with the ability to return legally in the future, for the rest who are criminals or moochers, they get rounded up and deported. It will be a sticky problem for sure and perhaps there might be another solution. Trump also needs to be sure the military is under HIS control and use it to clear out the criminals/traitors in the 3 letter agencies. Military justice, no arraignment then a trial 4 years later. Physically detained until the trial and transport to Guantanamo for the guilty. Everyone must be crystal clear that the obummer presidency is over. If he must rule by executive order, so be it. The demonrats set the precedence for that, so let them wallow in it. I can forgive spiritually many transgressions, but only after the punishment has been administered. Tough love? Well, maybe. Life has never been easy.
How I wish Ralph k. Oh, how I wish.