America Wins! For now…..

Back in 2016 I wrote a post the day after Trump won the Presidency. I was shocked. I among many other did not think it was even remotely possible. Here in 2024 things were quite different.  While my confidence was not extremely high I was very hopeful. Well, against the Deep State, most all of the Federal government, most of the mainstream media, continued election cheating and fraud, corporate America, and most all of Hollywood he has become the 47th President of the United Stated.

Now what?

The future remains anything but certain. There have been assignation attempts. Will there be more? He has more support from Congress going into January. Will it make a difference? The Deep State continued to infiltrate both sides of the political aisle.

The Republican Party has an opportunity to make true change and show the American people why they were elected and put into place. I hope they act.

It’s going to be interesting!

Stay safe all and keep prepping….



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