From the Desk of John Rourke – February 12th, 2024

Here in Maine as I type this it’s around 24 degrees and there is still quite a bit of winter left. At any time we could get a foot or snow – give or take. With this being the case many of the local businesses are beginning to stock Spring supplies such as gardening and canning goods. Even the local Dollar Tree has gotten in the game and has seeds – 4/$1.00.

seeds, non-GMO, survival garden, garden, shtf, prepper, preparedness, economic collapse, get ready, prepare, Dollar Tree seeds, Dollar Tree, frugal, saving money

Heirloom, non-GMO seeds are available even at the Dollar Tree for the cheap. Simply look at the individual seed varieties and verify.  Want a list of commonly available heirloom seeds? I created THIS LIST several years ago and you can use it to save some money.

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Continuing with the “gardening” talk there is so much to do here on the homestead. Maine Prepper Girl and I have a long list of things to accomplish and add to the property. Chickens is a huge priority that we failed to get last year. This year? Absolutely and it’s right around the corner. The garden was mediocre at best in 2023 and will be completely revamped this year. I spent nearly 20 years gardening in South Carolina and new the land and seasons extremely well. Here in Maine? We are learning.

bucket garden, container gardening, survival gardening, garden projects, prepper projects, buckets, growig in buckets,

Raised beds and container gardening are becoming a larger part of our efforts. The reason is simple: We can control the garden and spend less time tending to weeds. As Maine Prepper Girl and I both work full-time (for now) this is a big advantage.

So many plans to make the property as self-sufficient as possible. 2024 is such an important year as we both believe some extremely difficult times are close at hand. Producing our own food is just one part of our plans for the homestead and being able to deal with what the future holds.

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electric cars, meme, funny, survival, shtf, prepper,

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I posted this video recently on a couple of social media platforms and decided to share the Youtube version here as I know some do not have Instagram among others: got hot chocolate?

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So a bit of a change here on 1776 – I’m going to start scheduling all posts for 5 pm Eastern Standard Time. Why? Well…..the research says most people simply don’t have the time during the day to focus on frivolous information and content as most are working and only have a few minutes here and there. While I certainly think what I say is much more important than anything you may deal with at work(even if it is related to nuclear secrets and brain surgery) posting in the evening is supposed to provide the maximum opportunity for people to check out my magnificent words.

Anyways……something like that.

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Stay safe all and please…..keep preparing.



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