Here’s the latest garden update. I’m really loving how the garden is turning out. We have a lot left to do and, yes, Maine Prepper Gir(Kass) has taken by far the brunt of the work. I’ve been doing what I can and cannot say enough of her. She has done so much.
Enjoy the video.
The garden’s looking great! I’m envious. You make my 2 little beds look very pathetic.
Sorry the drain situation hasn’t cleared up yet, but just hang in there.
Where did you get your metal raised beds? Brand? Are you satisfied with the quality? A friend bought similar beds from Amazon last year and they are rusted already.
Hi Bruce – here is the link:
I bought off of Amazon after looking at quite a few. I bought a few sizes as you saw. Time will tell if they rust but based on reviews hopefully we are good.
it’s time to start canning veggies here again, but i was wondering if there is a shelf life on the lids. i have been stocking up on them for a long time as i can afford them. i have several hundred put back now. jars are reusable but lids most likely no, i would not take a chance on it. i have been using and buying the superb brand lids for a while now. Mason and Ball are all made in China now and i would not recommend them.
thanks in advance.
Good question Scout. If there is a shelf life on lids I suspect it is several decades. I had not ever heard of the Superb lids. I just looked them up. Appreciate it.
As far as I can tell both Ball, Kerr, and Tattler lids are still all made in America. That may change at some point but check out the packaging next time you see a box of lids.