The Liberal Threat to America is Real


After the election of 2016 many people came under the impression that all in the universe will be made right and the path to a state of bliss was all but certain. Much like in 2008 where many on the Left thought Obama was the second coming and the Messiah, reality is often quite different than a believed fantasy. The need to consider threats to America and you as a citizen has never been greater. Liberalism is absolutely a threat to America.

Those of us old enough to remember how things used to be can see just how this country has changed. Those of us with enough initiative to learn some history can really see just how far this country has fallen.

Back in the 50’s, Communists established goals as represented in the book – The Naked Communist. These goals were put forth to destroy America. Here is a partial list:

  • Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
  • Infiltrate the press.
  • Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
  • Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
  • Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
  • Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
  • Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
  • Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
  • Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture—education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
  • Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity, masturbation and easy divorce.
  • Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents.
  • Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve economic, political or social problems.

Recommended DVD – Agenda: Grinding American Down

When reviewing this partial list it sure seems like the Communist agenda has had some success. Modern-day communists are now called…..Liberals.


The Mainstream Media

The mainstream media is a massively powerful influence on public opinion and as such their biased and slanted so-called “journalism” can absolutely influence elections.

Consider how DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile lost her CNN job due to leaking questions to Hillary Clinton prior to DNC primary debates and townhall events. While CNN did the right thing by terminating her employment the only reason they did so was public opinion. The corruption within the DNC and news media is blatantly clear within this one example.  The entire Democrat primary election was rigged to ensure Clinton beat challenger Bernie Sanders. This is a proven fact yet the MSM media failed to report on it as the election-fixing news story it was.

The MSM continues to report news leaving out important information as it fails to fit their political and social agenda. One such example is the frequent absence of the ethnicity or legal status of suspected criminals. Further examples of the agenda-based bias can be frequently seen in the amount of time news agencies report on a story. CNN has spent countless hours reporting scandals in the White House over relevant immigration efforts and bills submitted by Trump. In fact – research indicated CNN spent 11 times more airtime on scandals.

The biased Liberal mainstream media is brainwashing millions of voters every day with twisted facts, theories, and outright lies. They are in fact manipulating elections and societal beliefs daily and this is to the detriment of the country.


Social Justice

Social justice is increasingly popular as a large segment of the population believes that fairness can be carried out across all aspects of life and human existence.

Gender, sexuality, wealth distribution, race, culture, and healthcare are examples where social justice proponents seek to create balance and create fairness throughout society. For many Liberals, the belief that no one can lose translates to there can be no winners. Consider something as commonsense as which bathroom someone should use. The Liberal Left created a solution for a problem that didn’t exist all in the name of fairness. The reality is the bathroom issue created lawsuits, policy changes, legislation, and crimes all due to trying to compensate for a tiny fraction of a percent of the population which suffer from mental health issues.

Social justice warriors now state that gender is not only a choice – but that the number of genders just might be infinite. While the vast majority of us have always considered the choice of gender was determined by whether you had a penis or a vagina, the powerful Liberal agenda has moved forward with the notion that how someone feels is the preferred method for determining gender. This concept may appear laughable to most but there is a growing sentiment that we must accept all people regardless of how insane and unhealthy their beliefs or actions are.

Social justice warriors are convincing generations of young adults of a reality that appears twisted and backward to most. Consider the Boy Scouts. Generations of young boys growing up to be young men have been positively affected by the guidance of the Boy Scouts. Due to pressure from Leftwing organizations, the Boy Scouts are now just “Scouts BSA”. Social justice warriors put the screws to the organization and now they allow girls as members. The Girl Scouts will continue to be called as such and only allow girls in.


Anti-Christian Sentiment

The founding of this country has its origins based in religious prosecution in Europe that caused Christians to seek a land where they could worship freely. Christians have been targeted by the Liberal Left merely for having beliefs with which they disagree with. In 2012 the DNC removed all references to God in their official platform. Who can’t remember Democrats booing God at the 2016 Democrat National Convention?

Political history shows that Liberal politicians continue to relax their religious beliefs in an effort to gain votes. As society has distanced itself from God so have Liberal politicians. While many claim to be Christians – they also promote policies that are absolutely anti-Christian. The Left seem very quick to defend religious freedom for Muslims in many circumstances, but then allow Christian religious freedoms to be trampled. Far too often the perspective of the Left is freedom from religion rather than freedom of religion.



Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration is one of the largest threats to the American way of life today. Many of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants currently in this country came to America to tap into its resources, not for the love of freedom. They brought their own culture and ways of life and refuse to adapt and conform to an American way of life.

Consider the culture of the countries many of these illegal’s are coming from. While most originate from Mexico countless millions come from South America, Asia, and the Middle East.  The culture in many of these countries is substantially incompatible with American lifestyles. Many of these people have values that even fail to come close to those which most American’s live by.

Liberal special interest groups and politicians promote acceptance of these invaders while ignoring the damage being brought forth to this country. Why would they do this? The answer is simple: votes. Immigrants – both illegal and legal tend to vote Democrat. By bringing in more and more illegals and pushing for amnesty they very well could add 12+ million legal Democrat voters. This would be a gamechanger.


That’s Not All

Liberals control the mainstream media, have initiated social justice, they lower morals in America with their anti-Christian sentiment, and promote invasion with illegal immigration.  That’s not all by a longshot. Consider the increasingly violent outbursts by Liberals at protests(Antifa) as well as the insanity proposed by the activist celebrities. Acid, urine, bricks, and glass have been thrown at Republicans at protests and celebrities have called for the White House to be destroyed and Trump to be killed.

These are seriously tumultuous times. A team of Republicans playing baseball were actually shot at and injured by some Liberal psychopath. We are seeing just the beginning of what is to come.

An entire generation of “snowflakes” has led to the pussification of America as Liberal psychology has infiltrated the family, the schools, and even many churches. These weakminded individuals have not developed the ability to carry on constructive thinking and are indoctrinated in public schools across America. When a generation of Americans require a safe space because the word Trump is painted on a college bench – the generation has been immensely damaged.

The methods by which Liberals are destroying America is nearly endless.


What Does The Future Hold

As we look to the mid-term COngressional elections and the 2020 Presidential election we have reason to be concerned. While the Left talks of Russia influencing elections we all know that it is the mainstream media that truly has the power to change results. Both the Deep State and the Liberal Left are well motivated and funded to battle for control of the United States government. Should Democrats take control of Congress – and win the presidency in 2020 – America as we know it is over.

With a successful election cycle, Liberals will bring in amnesty creating millions of Democrat voters almost guaranteeing Liberal leadership for years to come. What will be their endgame be? Bigger government, strict gun control, higher taxes, greater regulation – and fewer personal freedoms.


What To Do?

The vast majority of us have little control over the issues presented above. What we can do is insulate ourselves from the negative effects of society and government. Reducing debt, moving to freedom-loving states and communities, creating secondary streams of income, and become as self-reliant as possible should be a goal for those who believe dark times are ahead.

What else? Pray. Pray that the American citizen wakes up to what is happening and not succumb to the senseless gibberish put forth by the likes of Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, and Joe Biden.



Article References

Lawmaker’s Seek “In God We Trust” in MN Schools

Democrats Boo God At Convention

Report Shows CNN Reporting Biased Against Trump

The Naked Communist



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